Health Supplements

What Is a Vitamin Natural

Published at 04/01/2012 17:46:04


A natural vitamin supplement can help to replace vitamins and minerals that you are lacking from your diet. This is can be very important in a world where we often don't eat like we should. A good natural vitamin supplement can fill in those gaps that your diet leaves and help you to be healthier. It is important to know what vitamins can help you the most. There are many types of natural vitamin on the market today. The choices can leave you overwhelmed and wondering what you should take. You should know that just because a natural vitamin is not a prescription does not mean that it cannot be dangerous. Herbs, minerals,and vitamins should be taken with care and under the watch of your physician. Be careful when mixing vitamins with your medications as this can cause adverse reactions.

Know the Difference

It is important to take your natural vitamin as directed. There are two types of vitamins; fat soluble and water soluble. The fat soluble vitamins can hang out in your fat cells for months and build up. This can be dangerous with vitamins such as Iron, which could cause deadly amounts of Iron to buildup in your system. Fat soluble vitamins should be taken with caution and only as directed to prevent overdose. This is especially important in children! Water soluble vitamins are not as dangerous, because extra amounts of vitamins are just swept away in the urine. For instance, Vitamin C is often taken in large doses when one has a cold, but it truly does no good because the excess is just taken out by the kidneys and into the urine. Make sure that you understand what type of vitamins you are taking and take them only as directed. If you do not understand the vitamins, seek the help of your doctor or pharmacist. Taking a natural vitamin can be helpful for your health, but it can also cause problems in your health.


Choose your natural vitamin wisely, and you can truly improve your health. This can truly change your life for the better. You may not notice the change right away, but continue to take the vitamins and help your health. Natural vitamin cures have been around for many, many years and it is time that we start taking a more holistic route with illnesses instead of relying on the chemicals that doctors want to pump into us. Natural vitamin cures are much more healthful to those who need to improve their health. It is time that we take charge of our health and do all we can to improve it through diet, exercise, and natural vitamin cures.

Tips and comments

  • Make sure that you know what type of vitamins you are taking.
  • Consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking natural vitamin cures.
  • Follow directions carefully.
  • Take time to see if the vitamins help your issues. Don't give up after just a few doses.
  • Know your body and know what works for you.
  • Watch for side effects.
  • Eat healthy and exercise.
