Diseases sub categories
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About Mouth And Foot Diseases
Mouth and foot diseases are common and vary in degrees of intensity. There are many causes of the diseases and each has to be diagnosed carefully so as to get the correct treatment. They als... -
About Brittle Bone Diseases And Treatments
Brittle bone diseases can be defined as genetic disorders usually resulting from abnormalities of the genes, which control the production of a protein called Collagen. Collagen is a group o... -
About Abdomen Diseases And Treatments
The abdomen is the part between the thorax and the pelvis and is relegated the duty of digesting food and absorbing nutrients from it once they have been broken down. It also produces certai...
How To Protect Yourself From Birds And Diseases
The reason why you should protect yourself from birds and diseases is a very important aspect for you to know since many people take it for granted. Yet, this issue is a major threat in the ...
Symptoms Of Lou Gehrig's Diseases
Lou Gehrig's diseases is a very fatal disorder and also progressive it mostly affects the nerves and muscles. it is also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis but it is often called Lou Gehri...
About Elm Tree Diseases And Treatments
The elm tree was considered to be an ideal street because it was graceful, long-lived and fast growing and tolerant of compacted soils and air pollution. Elm tree are so well suited to urban...
5 Facts About Achondrogenesis
Achondrogenesis is a group of rare disorder that affects the development of bone and cartilage of the foetus. Achondrogenesis is classified into type 1 and type 2. The condition is character...
3 Diseases Of the Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells extending from the medulla oblongata (in the brain), altogether making up the central nervous system. The ...
What Are The Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Diseases
The bowel is otherwise known as the intestines or guts and is a segment of the alimentary canal and consists of the small and large intestines. Its main function is to digest food and absorb...
About Peripheral Nerve Diseases And Treatments
Peripheral nerves are all the nerves outside your brain as well as the spinal cord, that is all the nerves apart from the brain and spinal cord. They are basically the nerves in your face, a...
About Canine Liver Diseases And Treatments
Canine liver diseases are among the top five leading causes of non-accidental dog deaths. This is because the liver is responsible for a number of bodily functions of the dog and therefore p...
5 Facts About Ankle Diseases
Ankle diseases are the major cause of many diseases in the world. In many cases, the ankle disease affect the old people but also in some cases children also complain about the ankle disease...
About Crepe Myrtle Diseases And Treatments
I did not know what this tree in my garden was called till it was infected with some disease. The Crepe myrtle is a stunning small tree that grows in warm climates. This crepe tree boasts st...
Top articles
Who Is Most At Risk For Cancer?
Cancer is a disease that can strike any person regardless of their current health condition. However, there are some factors that can impact who is most at risk for cancer. By recognizing wh... -
How To Prevent Deadly Diseases
Every one of us at some point in life tends to be afraid to catch a deadly disease. Running from these deadly diseases is not in one’s control. There are innumerable fatal diseases out... -
Types Of Health Aids
Health aids or medical aids or supplies are objects that are either straightforward indicators of our health condition like a Sphygmomanometer which measures blood pressure or are tools or a...
History Of Aids Research
AIDS as a term for a disease was not commonly heard by many people during the 80s, but as it took over many lives around the world, it became a familiar term. To better understand what AIDS ...
What Causes Acne?
Acne is a skin condition that affects people of all ages. It generally forms when the skin's pores become clogged with debris, such as oil and bacteria. This may lead to whiteheads, blackhea...
What are the most common signs of cancer
Cancer as a general term refers to very many different types of cancer conditions, which affect different part of the body. However, there are certain cancer symptoms which occur com...
Who Is At Risk For Breast Cancer?
Before going into the detail of breast cancer, it is important to understand what cancer means in general a term. Cancer is identified as the unusual growth of the cells in a part of the bod...
About Prevention of HIV
You many not be aware that HIV is one of the deadliest diseases affecting people. It slowly weakens a person's immune system until such time that the complications of having a weak body wi...
What Are the Most Common Mental Disorders?
Health and mental balance is most important in the man’s life. Unfortunately in our days, more and more people suffer from mental disorders that affect their lives in all kind of ways....
How To Treat Spread Diseases
Contagious disease thrives in a congested environment that easily enables the spread of diseases from one person to the other. Spread disease refers to different communicable ailments....
About various types of Diabetes
There are two primary types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes then it is essential to identify the exact type of diabetes that you have, to ...
Great Advice For Health Mental
To keep your sanity is not exactly easy when prices go up, wages fall, or worse, you remain unemployed. There are also other things that affect your health mental. Probably you didn’t ...
How to prevent an infection from reoccuring
Most of the diseases spread by the activity of the microorganisms, such as fungi or bacteria, and these organisms are so small in size that it becomes almost impossible to avoid them. They a...