
The abdomen is the part between the thorax and the pelvis and is relegated the duty of digesting food and absorbing nutrients from it once they have been broken down. It also produces certain helpful enzymes and it protects the lower intestine from harmful organisms. Unfortunately there are certain abdomen diseases that occur from time to time and they vary in seriousness and cause. The abdomen consists of several parts and they are; the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, cecum, appendix, the colons and the rectum. The abdomen is also connected to other organs that aid in nutrient absorption, distribution and excretion like the liver, kidneys, pancreas, the spleen and the rectum.

There have been numerous studies and at different levels since time immemorial to come up with causes, treatments and cures for abdomen diseases. These studies have involved people from different backgrounds and practices and have come a long way, had to fight with myths and superstition before getting to the factual and well researched stand they take today. The medicines used have evolved too from simple wild herbs to sophisticated lab made compounds used today.

Since the abdomen is one of the longest organs in the body, it goes without saying that it will be afflicted by many abdomen diseases. There are many causes of these diseases ranging from those caused by bacteria to those caused by physical influences to those that are caused by our lifestyles. The abdomen diseases may affect any part of the large abdominal tract and different treatment regimes are used for their treatment. Treatment of abdomen diseases may be herbal for mild ailments or could use conventional medicine. Surgery may be done in extreme and emergency cases. Diseases that affect the stomach only are called gastrophy. It was believed that the highly acidic environment of the stomach would deter any infections but there are abdomen diseases that occur here like ulcers, gastritis and stomach cancer.
There are also abdomen diseases that can affect the kidney and may lead to failure in the extreme. These diseases are hereditary, congenital or acquired and include kidney stones and nephritic syndrome and there treatment may involve dialysis or in the extreme cases surgery or implantation of new organs. Some of the diseases that affect the colon are colitis, adenocarcinoma, crohns disease and dysplasia. Though rare in the stomach section, cancer can affect any part of the abdominal cavity and it has been known to be devastating. There are also some abdomen diseases that interfere with the absorption of nutrients and these can lead to malnutrition problems.
Tips and comments
Small measures like eating the right foods, at the right amount, proper supplementation, good hygiene practices and some exercise go along way in avoiding or alleviating abdomen diseases and their associated costs and stresses. Our lifestyles have changed a lot and the effect is being felt by our bodies and reducing life spans drastically. Instead of driving a car over short distances try walking or riding a bicycle to and from work.
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