Health Supplements

About Suplements That Slow Down Hair Loss

Published at 03/26/2012 20:06:51


If you are losing more hair than you should, what can you do about it? You have to go to the root of the hair to answer that. The best way hair growth can be explained is by comparing it with a garden. The growth of the garden depends on what is happening underground. Like in a garden that leads to flowers, a normal hair cycle should lead to healthy hair growth. When the growth cycles go bad, that is when we suffer from hair loss.

There are many things that can affect the hair growth cycle. They could be medication, illness, infection or chemical drugs. All these items have the potential to stop hair from growing properly. Vitamins and minerals play an important role as hair-loss supplements, and they keep the hair healthy.



Men and women have been seeking cures for hair loss since the beginning of time. There have been many cosmetic treatments over the last five thousand years but most of them give the illusion of more hair. Some people have tried medical treatments that use drugs to affect hair follicles. Others have tried surgical treatments that remove bald areas or move hair follicles around. Numerous herbal solutions and medical sounding cosmetics have been tried with little results until Finasteride broke ground in 1992 when it was approved by the Food & Drug Administration as one of the major hair-loss supplements.


Hair grows in three different cycles. They are anagen, catagen and telogen. 90% of the hair is in the anagen growth phase. The catagen or the transition phase lasts for about three weeks when the hair follicle shrinks. The hair rests during the telogen cycle which lasts around four months.

Besides, Finasteride which exists as Propecia in the market, there are many hair loss suplements to be considered that can slow down the hair loss:

 Para-Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA) – This is a vitamin which belongs to the B complex family and is considered as one of the major hair loss suplements.

 Inositol – This is also a member of the Vitamin B group. This was tried on balding patients as one of the hair loss suplements. Hair loss was arrested in almost all the cases. In some cases, hair growth was noticeable in a period of just a couple of months. It also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

 Biotin – This is known as Vitamin H. It is another of those hair loss suplements. It metabolizes fatty acids which are a valuable growth factor for the hair. It also helps prevent hair from turning grey.

 Zinc – Deficiency in zinc produces baldness and scalp problems. If zinc is returned adequately to the diet, these problems are reversed.

 Protein – This is a basic ingredient in hair shampoos and conditioners. A good protein diet influences hair growth and strength.


Tips and comments

Hair originates in the dermis which is the skin layer just below the surface layer of the scalp. Baldness is more common in men than in women. It results from genetic factors, aging skin conditions and some medications.

Hair loss suplements can slow down hair loss but people ignore the role of diet in controlling hair loss. A healthy diet on a consistent basis may reduce hair loss. Nutritional hair loss suplements have now been used for many years to help treat hair loss. These include essential fatty acids and all those supplements as highlighted above. Additionally, copper is also one of the more important dietary hair loss suplements.
