Health Supplements

Benefits To Taking Calcium D Vitamin

Published at 03/07/2012 18:51:35


Calcium and vitamin D are vital nutrients and minerals required by the human body. One should take calcium vitamin D according to the daily recommendation which varies with age. One can acquire calcium vitamin D from eating foods rich in these nutrients or by taking calcium vitamin D supplements which are usually in tablet form. The foods that give you calcium vitamin D are easily accessible, you can get calcium from milk, soybeans, cheese, orange juice, broccoli, just to name a few, those rich in vitamin D include fish, egg yolk, and liver, you can also get vitamin D from the sun through the skin.

Benefits of Calcium Vitamin D

These two nutrients work together whereby for vitamin D assists in the absorption of calcium so the body cannot absorb calcium in the absence of vitamin D, when the body fails to absorb calcium then the bones becomes weak. Due to this relationship between the two nutrients their functions within the body goes hand in hand.

Development of bones is one of the key benefits of calcium vitamin D, calcium helps in the growth and development of bones hence strengthening ones skeleton. Taking enough calcium vitamin D helps one avoid diseases such as arthritis, kidney failure, rickets, and osteoporosis and osteomalacia in which involves weakening of bones adults. Weak bones can lead to frequent fractures and can also lead to low bone mass. Both are usually used to treat calcium deficiency complications .Pregnant women are usually advised to take calcium vitamin D supplements because they are vital in bone development of the growing unborn baby and are also very important during breastfeeding.

Some More Information

Apart from calcium vitamin D strengthening the bones, vitamin D also plays a great role in preventing cancer such as colorectal and colon cancers, regular intake of vitamin D helps in preventing these two types of cancer, but it should be noted that very high levels of calcium vitamin D are harmful to the body, excess calcium can cause kidney stones or other kinds of complications that involve vital organs like the heart.

Vital organs such as the heart also depend on calcium vitamin D so as to function properly, various processes such as clotting of the blood also requires calcium for them to take place, the nerves within the body are also in need of this mineral for proper functioning. Vitamin D is also known to support the growth of cells in the body.

Other benefits you get from calcium vitamin D include boosting of the immune system which is usually carried out by vitamin D, this helps in preventing so many infections and disease. Vitamin D is also known to increase the production of insulin hence helping to control diabetes, for those suffering from high blood pressure vitamin D will help you lower the blood pressure.


With all the benefits above it proves just how much crucial calcium vitamin D are to our bodies and it is important to maintain they daily intake by including them in our diet every day.
