Health Supplements

How Do Foods Supplements Rate Against Real Food?

Published at 03/06/2012 12:58:04


Foods supplements and real foods are often compared in scientific studies, and there seems to be a variety of views and opinions as to what is better, or whether we should even be taking foods supplements or only looking to get a balanced healthy diet. A recent study went so far as to say that vitamin foods supplements 'could shorten lifespan'. Let us discuss how foods supplements rate against real food.

Comparing the Two

Whereas real food contains a wide variety of nutrients and is not limited to only a few of them, foods supplements incorporate only some of them. So, it would seem that it is definitely better that you take food that is rich in nutrients rather than making up for it through supplements, which do not provide a complete nutritional package. Natural food has the advantage that it contains nutrients and fibre that is essential to maintaining bodily processes and for keeping the immune system healthy and able to function well.

When talking about real foods and foods supplements, the matter of the source they come from is important. For one, food comes from natural sources, and it is ensured that this is fresh and organic, your food is guaranteed to be full of goodness. Think of how our ancestors survived on local, natural food. That is how our bodies have evolved, and we should not unnecessarily provide them with substances they were not meant to handle.
Foods supplements, on the other hand, incorporate a lot of preservatives and processing agents which are synthetic in nature. However, there are regulatory authorities that scrutinize the ingredients of foods supplements, and if they have given the supplement a go, you should be okay if you use it. Try to use supplements that come from a natural source and these will definitely do you good without causing any side-effects.

Maintaining a Balance

So, the bottom-line is that while it would be desirable to have real food in a balanced, healthy way and from a variety of food groups, as opposed to foods supplements, to meet the nutrition needs of those who cannot, for whatever reason, get enough nutrients from food, supplements are a good idea, as long as they are taken in a proper way and meet safety requirements set by the authorities. They are very useful in bridging the nutritional gap some people suffer from.

Broadly speaking, the pros of taking foods supplements outweigh the cons, especially if the supplements are derived from a natural source, and problems should occur only in case of overdose or adverse reaction, that is, in case of improper use. Just don't get overly-reliant on foods supplements and depend too much on them instead of regular, wholesome food.

Disease and Food Supplements

Foods supplements have also been scientifically proven to have good effects on the health of people who are at risk of cardiovascular diseases (heart disease is an area where most experts agree that supplements are definitely beneficial), and also have anti-oxidant properties, which help to keep certain diseases like cancer at bay.
