How to find lyrics for songs online
Music Songs

How to find lyrics for songs online

Published at 02/15/2012 23:03:12


How to find lyrics for songs online

Whether you are trying to find the corect words of a song you love or would like all the lyrics so that you can sing it, you can easily find lyrics for songs online. Lyrics are the words written by an artist that make up the song that you hear on the radio or on your mp3 player. Lyrics are added to many different websites online by fans or by the artists. Some websites may have incorrect lyrics, while others may have them correctly, word for word. To find the lyrics for songs online, you simply need to have the skills to search and know the right places to look.

Step 1

If you know the artist of the song that you are looking to find lyrics for, visit the main website. Some singers and bands will have a section of their website that is dedicated to the lyrics of their songs. To view the lyrics for songs that they have, just search and click on the song that you would like to see. This should bring up a page that has all the correct lyrics to this song. Print out the lyrics for your convenience, or bookmark the page to come back to it later.

Step 2

Some singers and bands do not have lyrics for songs that they have on their website. In this case, you can visit websites that are dedicated to adding hundreds of different lyrics each day. Some of these websites include, A-Z Lyrics Universe and Metro Lyrics. Head to one of these websites to start searching for lyrics.

Step 3

At, you can enter in the song name or the artist name into the search box near the top of the page. This will bring up results with the song and similar songs that match your search criteria. You can also check out lyrics by visiting the home page of the website and seeing what songs are being played in real time by fans. This will show the name of the artist, song title and how many fans are currently viewing or playing the song. Click a song, and it will bring up the lyrics along with a YouTube video of the song that you have viewed. The top songs section shows some of the most popular songs of today that you can view lyrics for.

Step 4

A-Z Lyrics Universe is straightforward and simple to use. You can browse by using the search box the same way you used it on or click on a letter from A to Z to browse artists that start with that letter. For example, clicking the letter C will bring up a list of artists that start with that letter. Click the artists of your choice to see the lyrics for songs that they have. Metro Lyrics is similar to the two prior sites combined. You can connect Metro Lyrics with Facebook to show all your friends what you are currently looking at and listening to.

Step 5

If you heard lyrics for songs on the radio but are unsure of the artist and song name, have no fear. This can be solved with a simple Google search. As long as you know a few words of the song, just enter them into Google with the word lyrics at the end of your search term. This should come up with a few results that link to lyric websites for songs that you have heard.


How to find lyrics for songs online

Try to remember at least a few words for songs that you have heard in order to find the full lyrics. It will be difficult to find a song if you do not know the artist or any of the words.


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