Health Mental Health

How Group Mental Health Meeting Work

Published at 03/29/2012 21:04:58


There are some groups who see mental health stability as a very important thing to keep. These groups do not only cater to those people who have perfect mental health. Instead, they cater to those whose mental health is disrupted such as those who are dealing with depression, anxiety, bipolar syndrome, and other mental illnesses. Because there have been a lot of cases of mental health disruption all over the world, there have already been a lot of emerging groups focusing on mental health and doing group mental health programs. These groups are composed of group mental health professionals who do study and help in looking for approaches to overcome such mental illnesses. Examples of these groups are Emotions Anonymous, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and Recovery International.

Cognitive training

A group mental health usually uses cognitive training for those mentally ill people. This cognitive training helps these people manage their problems and difficulties through identifying their own behavior and their emotional responses. This would involve a patient and therapist discussion. Usually the patient is expected to share everything and the therapist would console the patient by asking different questions that would help the patient identify their own problems and how can they deal with these certain problems.

Twelve Step Approach

Another training or approach that group mental health use is the twelve step approach. This training helps the person admit their weaknesses and problems and they themselves see that these weaknesses can be corrected and their problems can be solved.

A very good example for this is having group discussion among people who with the same type of mental illness. With the head of a therapist, all of the people in the group share their own feelings, share their own problems and discuss among them what went wrong, what have they done, if these actions are proper and what these actions have lead into. With this type of training, people in the group would somehow find a sense of relief because there are also some who share the same problems as them and together, they find an inspiration in changing their previous beliefs, elevating their moods and feelings toward themselves and how they deal with certain situations. This type of training also involves a spiritual approach for them to form a concrete belief that someone with a higher power can help them change and can guide them through what they are going through.

Importance of group mental health

People have already seen the important of a group mental health. These groups have already helped a lot of mentally ill or mentally disrupted individuals through their effective training procedures. Instead of the previous practices of relying on drugs and other types of medications, these groups have found a way to rebuild a person’s mental health through these different trainings. They have come up with the power of expression and the power of a group in which these people are in. Affected individuals have found a way on how to help each other and how to truly understand their own situation. They have also come to understand the real meaning of their lives and how they should live it thus making them have their own purpose and continue to be reformed.


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