Finance Credit

How To Increase Credit U S

Published at 03/19/2012 23:32:41


Not only are cities and towns facing financial difficulties due to the economy, but so are the individual citizens. Leaving many wondering how to increase U S credit. For individuals looking to increase their U S credit scores, there are some steps that they can take to do this. The process may be time consuming, but it is worth it. Good U S credit is something that will make life easier for those who have it. Those who do not will find it difficult to buy a car, a home or to obtain credit cards. Working to improve your U S credit scores is the best way to make the dream of home ownership a reality. Start working on your credit score as soon as possible.

Step 1

  • Obtain copies of your U S credit report. You can do this for free once each year. You can do so by mail, telephone or over the Internet. Checking over each of the three reports is important. This will enable you to catch any mistakes that are on your report. Disputing errors and having them removed is one way to raise your US credit score. Be sure that you carefully go over each report. You should have three, one from Experian, one from Equifax and one from Transunion. While it make seem like a waste or time to order and review all three, it really is not. Surprisingly, different information can be on each report. This means that one may not contain any errors at all, while another one will. 

Step 2

  • Pay down your debt. If you have credit cards and they are charged up to the maximum amount you are able to charge, this does not look good on your report. You will be able to raise your U S credit score by paying down the balances until they are less than half of the available credit on your account. Once you pay down the balance owed, keep it down. 

Step 3

  • Do not apply for more credit. If you are trying to buy a home and get a mortgage, avoid applying for more credit cars or for a car loan. When a mortgage company pulls your credit report, all those attempts to get more credit may make it look like you are having financial problems and needing to use credit to make it. You will also find that inquiries can and do lower your score, to raise your U S credit score, minimize the inquiries into your credit.

Step 4

  • Pay your bills on time each month. Paying bills on time each month is a good way to keep your U S credit score up. Being late on your payments or even worse, skipping them all together is a quick way to lower your U S credit score. If you have trouble remembering when a bill is due, set up reminders on your calendar. You may also considering enrolling in automatic bill pay, where the money is automatically deducted from your account each month. 

Step 5

  • Live within your means. Using credit should not be a way of life. Buying on credit for large purchases or every once in awhile is fine. However, if you find yourself using credit cards for basic every day items, you may be relying on your cards too much. Get into the habit of not buying items on credit, wait until you have the money to pay for them.


Working to raise your US credit score may take some time but it can be done.

Always keep in mind that your goal is a good score.



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