With the failing economy, more people than ever have a bad credit score. Some may be working toward improvement but wanting a credit card that will approve them, even with their bad past credit history. There are several companies that will take you on even if you are high risk. Some may charge a high yearly fee or may have large interest rates however sometimes is is the best way to establish credit and start all over again try to build your credit score.
Although most people do not realize it there is hope and you may be able to get a credit card, even with bad credit. Here are a few of the top companies who are offering cards to those people whose credit is lacking.
- The Orchard Bank Card: This credit card has a small fee that you must pay once a year to use their card. This fee varies depending up on how bad your credit actually is. The fee typically is around $75.00, and must be paid up front before you can use the card. The card comes standard with a $300.00 credit limit but may be able to extend beyond that with a positive payment history with their company. This card is highly suggested to get as it is one of the few that are not prepaid.
- The Capital One Student Card: If you are a student and have bad or limited credit ,the Capital one student card may be for you. There is no annual fee and they actually have decent APR's in comparison to other credit cards. There is no yearly fee and your credit limit may vary from $200.00 to $1000.00 depending on your credit score. The average credit limit on the card, however is $500.00 for most people.
Prepaid cards for people with bad credit include:
- The First Premier Bank Credit Card: This is a prepaid card that is excellent for those people who have negative credit history and can help you to get your credit on the right track. You pay a $95.00 processing fee and get a $300.00 credit line. It seems like a steep price to pay, however it may be cheaper than paying high interest on other credit cards.
- The Capital One Secured Card: This is one of the top ranking cards used by consumers everywhere. There is a one time $29.00 fee plus a APR of around 22.99 percent just to use this card, however it may be worth it to some to help boost the credit score.
- The Prepaid Visa Pink Card: This is a pretty card that is simply to get, this card is for those who have bad or no credit and charges a monthly fee to use of $9.95 per month. It also comes with a bill pay plan.
Tips and comments
Never get a credit card unless you are wanting to improve your credit and intend to use less than 30 percent of your available credit on the card. If you are unable to get a credit card, see what you can do to improve your current credit to where you can get a credit card. This may include paying off late fee's, charge off's or past due bills that are on your current report.
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