Fashion & Style Hair

How To Dye Black Hair

Published at 03/01/2012 07:51:33


Dying black hair blond is a lot easier than many think. A simple two-step process is really all it takes to dye black hair to blond or any other color you really want. However, you need the right products and healthy hair to begin with. If you are ready to go from natural black hair to blond bombshell, follow these simple steps and enjoy the attention.

Step 1

Choose Your Color. A successful transition from black hair to blond hair starts with choosing the right dye color. Shades of copper, caramel, and champagne blond colors are very popular right now. If you are unsure of what will look good on you, do a simple search online for dye colors, and compare them to your skin tone. You could even ask your hairstylists for color advice.

Step 2

Strip Natural Black Hair Color. In order to turn black hair blond, you must strip the natural color from the hair first. This can be damaging to hair, especially if the hair is in poor condition to begin with. If you are scared of trying this yourself, visit a beauty salon and get it done professionally. However, if you prefer to do it at home, purchase a pre-lightener from a beauty supply store.

  • Deep condition your hair to prepare it for stripping.
  • Follow the instructions on the pre-lighteners box and apply.
  • When the process is over, deep condition your hair again.

Step 3

Before you color. If possible, the best thing to do at this point is to wait a day before applying the color. This allows your hair to rest a bit before putting more chemicals on it. Before coloring your hair, decide if you are going to do an all-over color or highlights. Some people like to ease gradually into blond hair from black, so highlights are a natural choice.

Step 4

Apply the color. Before applying the color, be aware that going from black hair to blond hair may take longer than the normal processing time. And, the longer the dye is on your hair, the more likely you are going to damage it, so time things carefully. After you have applied the color according to the box directions, set the timer according to the suggested processing time. When the time is up, take a strand of hair and using a tissue, wipe the coloring off, and examine the color. If it is not the desired shade, work the hair back in with the others and wait. After three minutes, take another strand of hair and wipe the coloring away to examine the color. Continue that process until the hair is a tad bit darker than the blond shade you want, because once the hair dries, it will be lighter.

Step 5

Damage Control. It does not matter whether you have black hair, blond hair, or red hair, anytime you dye it, damage control is necessary. After you have washed the dye out of your hair, apply a deep conditioner to it. Do not rinse out the deep conditioner; blow-dry it in. Blow dry one section at a time until it is dry. The heat will open up the hair follicles, allowing the conditioner into the hair shaft. As the hair cools, the moisture is locks into the hair, creating soft and shiny locks.


If you are worried about jumping from black hair to blond hair all in one swoop, consider going the highlights root or choose a soft brown color to get used to lighter hair color.


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