Tips on Buying the Best Three in One Printer
Computers Printers and Scanners

Tips on Buying the Best Three in One Printer

Published at 02/23/2012 17:31:21


Tips on Buying the Best Three in One Printer

There are many advantages to buying a three in one printer. One is that you get three devices for the price of one printer. These machines serve as a printer, scanner, and a fax. Another benefit is that you save space since there is only one machine that sits on your desk instead of having separate devices for printing, scanning, and faxing. While there are many models of three in one printer out there, following these simple tips will help you find the device that would suit your needs and budget.

Step 1

Identify your needs. Three in one printer may come as an ink jet or laser printer. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Ink jet printers are suitable for printing texts and even photos on a small scale. Therefore, they are suitable for home offices where you are not likely to print thousands of pages in a day. However, if you are running a small business, a three in one printer using laser technology might be your best option. It meets the demands of high volume printing without a problem.

Step 2

Search three in one printer info online and offline. Before you head to the shops, do a lot of research online when it comes to three in one printers. Check reviews on tech sites to see what techies are saying about it. It also helps if you can compare prices across several brands. You might already have a preferred name or want to synchronize all your machines in the office by buying the same brand. Having a positive experience with a particular brand will also help in narrowing your choices of three in one printer.

Step 3

Check if there are supplies for your three in one printer. It is also useful to check if the cartridges for your three in one printer are available readily. While new models of three in one printer are guaranteed to have a constant supply of ink cartridges or laser toners, it does not hurt to check that your local store carries them in case you need to get one immediately to replace the ink cartridge or toner in your three in one printer.

Step 4

Verify printing speed and resolution. Each model of three in one printer is tested using different parameters by the manufacturing company. Specifications give a clue as to how many pages per minute can be printed. However, don’t rely on these numbers. Go down to the store and have a sales rep show you the capacity and output of a three in one printer or an ink jet or laser printer. Print a page from each machine, time it yourself, and check the print results. Note that laser printers have their own on-board memory, so if you are going to print complex pictures and graphics, make sure that the memory is large enough for your requirements. On the other hand, an ink jet three in one printer has a USB connection which you can hook to a computer for printing. It relies on the memory in the computer itself.

Step 5

Tip 5

Tips on Buying the Best Three in One Printer

Warranty and after sales support. Before paying for the three in one printer that you chose, make sure that the store selling it offers warranty and after sales support. You might also think about getting an extended warranty to ensure that if something goes wrong, you are able to get it repaired, serviced or replaced. An after sales support is also crucial especially if you are trying to set up a wireless, home network that involves synchronizing all the machines you have in your office from computers and printer to scanners and facsimiles.


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