The best software to use with a network is definitely the one that offers security to your network and helps manage the same as well. The software should allow providing you with all information concerning the network, the server and should alert you on inactive areas that might affect your end users.
Ideas for The Best Software
To begin with, the best software to use with a network is one that s easy to use. This is for the benefit of both the management and every user in the network. It should offer easy to comprehend user interface to allow easy access. On the other end, the software should have te ability of checking all terminals and machines in use. This is to cover the information of every named computer for simple diagnosis by the administrator. The other thing is that the network software should be able to monitor the overall network performance. This is through analyzing network availability, traffic usage and managing configurations for firewalls, routers as well as switches. For the network traffic, the software should provide complete visibility of all traffic in the network. This allows one to know which applications generate the most traffic. Such can be blocked in order to save network bandwidth. The performance of the server is also a task that good software for networks should check on. The availability of the server as well as its health is the most important areas. The software should be able to monitor CPU utilization, disk space, and memory and temperature status. It should also be able to discover all the services running in the network and operating system. This is followed by monitoring the response time and running customer services.
Additionally, the best software for use with a network must be capable of informing the administrator on network hiccups. This should be achieved through emails or text message alerts that go straight to the mobile phone. This aid the managers be the first in addressing the problems before it gets to the end users. The same software should also provide a customizable dashboard, maps and groups as well as web alerts. This software should also be able to address network issues through troubleshooting resolving them on the spot. This is achieved through offering and supporting such tools as real time graphs, remote connections and switch port mappers. This also allows the administrators get automatic trouble ticketing functions. Last but not least, the best network software is the one that offers security to URL and websites as well as monitoring them. It should allow one to search for specific text on web pages and in return, it should notify one in time when the text or page is missing for them to know that the network is compromised.
In conclusion, the best software to use with a network should offer the above capabilities. This is in addition to security of the network in terms of virus protection as well as hacker protection. Through such qualities, the software can then be termed as best for use with networks.
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