Computers Computer Networking

How To Access a Network

Published at 03/26/2012 19:57:27


The present world has seen very reliable network tools and services which has lead to a revolution in the telecommunication world. Nowadays people have been brought together through networking. Today we have technologies like INTERNET, cloud computing, email servers, file transfer servers and much more. These technologies were developed on the basis of networking and communication concepts. Today one of the biggest craze is IOS, developed by the Apple corp. There are certain steps which are used to wirelessly access network shares such as the shared files and folders on the network through these devices.

Step 1

Step 1: installing the file browser and configuring accordingly

A file browser can be easily downloaded from the application portal of IOS devices. These file browsers are used to access the file shared on the network wirelessly. After downloading the file browser, it must be installed as well as configured.

Step 2

Step 2: downloading a file server

While downloading the files the user must keep in mind whether the OS of the computer is compatible with the file server application downloaded. The file downloaded must have privileges to access network files.

Step 3

Step 3: configuring the file server

Some of the file server applications also have the ability to group its users or to limit the user based on the security aspects the administrator of the server demands. The add user field can be found in the settings page of the file browser. Each user must have a password which is used by the user to access network the files. The files are specific to each user. There are various kinds file servers which can be installed to access network files.

Step 4

Step 4: adding shared files and folders on the server

In order to share a file and folder and to access network the files remotely from other device the files must be added in an orderly manner in the server. This task completely depends upon the kinds of server the host is running. The files shared must have some security constraints so that they can’t be edited just like that by any user. Files are added specifically to the prescribed user in the add user's shares page of setting panel. The files and folders are shared so that the user can access network files from any where he wants to.

Step 5

Step 5: copying or accessing files from the server

IOS has a lot of applications which can be exploited to get remote access to the files shared on any specific server. The IOS device or any client device must have any FTP or nay file browser client installed as said earlier. There are IP addresses or any specified links which are provided by the server to these clients. The clients need to put the user name and pass word and then they can access network where the files are to be shared on the server. Wireless access network is the best way to accomplish it.


This operating system is used for IPADS, IPHONES, and ITOUCH devices. These devices can be used for network access in which the files and applications which are shared on any LAN or WAN networks.

