Business Small Business

5 Things You Must Know About Hosting Small Business

Published at 02/15/2012 15:29:49


The number of sites appeared in the last years encouraged a large number of companies to initiate a hosting small business. Practically any new site needs hosting, and as we are talking about millions of new sites appearing every day, a business of this kind has all the perquisites to succeed. If you want to offer hosting to your clients, you will have to know that it is pretty easy. You won’t need a server in your house, or advanced IT knowledge. All you need to do is to become a representative of a major hosting company in your area. This is called reseller hosting, and it is a common practice today.

Step 1

Practically, any major hosting company offers a reseller package that allows the clients to initiate a hosting small business. You will have to buy the respective package, and to create a site. You will benefit of some profits, and if you are smart enough, you will be able to start a hosting small business by yourself.

The reseller hosting facility is specially used by web developing and design companies. The majority of clients of those companies don’t have the slightest idea about hosting. This is why those companies prefer to design the site, to optimize it, and also to host it using the reseller facility. Of course, the client might soon discover that hosting bought directly from the main company is cheaper, but clients of this kind usually prefer to have the hosting account opened with the same company that designed the site. In other words, the success of your hosting small business is guaranteed if you already have a web design company.

Step 2

There are also legal matters involved in hosting small business. why? Because it is a business after all, and you will need to open a company, to pay taxes to your government and to have all the legal documents to attest the legitimacy of your company.

As for the initial expenses of a hosting small business, you will have to know that they are not that huge. First, you will need to estimate the number of clients that you can attract, and to buy a reseller package designed especially for those needs. Moreover, you will also have to offer support for your clients, so you will have to talk with the hosting company about this matter.

Step 3

Don’t be scared about all those details. As soon as you have the legal papers for your company, you can start your hosting small business only by buying a reseller package with one of the companies offering those services. As a reseller, you will have access to an interface that allows you to add new accounts to the database, all you need to do is to add a domain, and the technical processes will be automatically made by the hosting company officers.


Of course, you will have your rights and obligations with the hosting company, so be sure to check the terms and conditions to use the respective package. In any case, a hosting small business idea is great, especially with the increasing needs of the clients for professional internet services.

Sources and Citations
