Business Small Business

Small Business Starting Costs

Published at 03/06/2012 23:34:08


Before going into the details of small business starting costs, it is important to define the term small business. The Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a small business as a group for profit business which operates within the area of the United States with a contribution in the economy through payment of taxes. A small business may be solely owned individually, in a partnership, corporation or another type of business with a given number of workers based on the stated size standard defined in different industries. For example, a manufacturing type of business is still considered a small business if the number of workers is within 500 and below. While for a wholesale trade, it only requires 100 workers. With this, a number of successful and established businesses existing today fall under the category as small business.

Starting up a small business is quite a big risk especially when you do not have an idea yet on how the expenses of the business would be. Thus, it is critical to determine the necessary costs and operating expenses to have a clear allocation and close estimate of the possible small business starting costs. Consider some of the rules below in preparing the small business starting costs:

Step 1

Set a date. Create the business plan you have imagine for your small business. In your plan, include the little details that would contribute to the small business starting costs.

Step 2

Identify the costs. In starting up, include all the possible small business starting costs such as professional fees, technology costs, administrative costs, sales and marketing costs as well as the cost of sales and manpower salaries and wages.

Step 3

Project a realistic flow. After identifying the possible small business starting costs, it is good to propose a budget allocation of all the cost during the start up of the small business. This will be beneficial in the monitoring of the costs and flow of the money in and out of the business.

Step 4

Welcome change. It is important to have a flexible perspective when entering the business world. The possibility of many changes occurring anytime is very real and the plan set for the small business starting costs might increase unexpectedly. Thus, it is better to be adaptable to sudden changes.

Step 5

Add value to time. In any business every second counts, and time is money. It is a good note to always put value in every single time spent for the small business as it corresponds to a cost.


Knowing the rules in small business would guide you in the determining the small business starting costs and lead you in mastering the flow of the small business that you would be venturing.

Sources and Citations

When doing business of any kind, the costs would always be present even before the beginning of its existence. For a person who has the interest in making steps into the small business world, the small business starting costs must be put in mind first among all other concerns because the next steps to be taken would definitely pertain to an a particular cost. This implies that a good planning is necessary to have a safe and sound small business starting costs.
