Business Construction

About Historical Construction Techniques in Kenya

Published at 03/01/2012 21:13:59


Constrcuction Kenya encompasses road construction and other public works in the country. This includes actual construction and maintenance, design, contracting, implementation, supervision and other related activities that go hand in hand with construction Kenya issues. Construction in Kenya includes public works, private contracting of civil works and other labor based construction techniques. Maintenance includes roads and buildings structures maintenance activities.


Construction Kenya especially in public works is conducted through competitive binding which has been the norm in most countries of the world. Unlike some countries which don’t have enough independent construction contractors to deal with public works there are enough private and public works contractors to engage in construction Kenya projects. Construction Kenya has a problem that is mainly evident even in other countries which makes construction costs to go through the roof unnecessarily while the quality of work is quite low. It’s quite common for suppliers of construction Kenya materials and services to have monopoly power which serves to increase inefficiency and lowering the quality of construction in such situations.

Construction in Kenya

One of the ways to deal with such practices in construction Kenya is by transferring work from the public works to private works sector while at the same time introducing competitive bidding in to public works contracts. Introducing of competitive binding to even the road agencies themselves serves to a great extent to reduce bad practices which have been evident in construction Kenya for years. When the private sectors become the option of choice for construction Kenya roads the binding process documents serves as the foundation of construction process. The process of construction has evolved over the years and contractors have experimented with new ways of acquiring business and enhancing the profits. The need to have refined construction Kenya documents is great especially to dealt with areas that pose risks and incentives. Construction Kenya industry for a long time has not dealt with many unresolved issues which have contributed to failed contractors and poorly planned structures. As result poorly planned structures and roads have posed countless risks to Kenyans. In recent years construction Kenya industry has suffered major blow with building collapsing as soon as they are occupied leading to loss of life, property and injuries.

Tips and comments

Kenyan citizens feel that construction works in Kenya have not been well regulated and hence offers the opportunity for unscrupulous contractors, otherwise known as cowboy contractors to pervade the indsurty. On the other hand corruption has been a major factor that has give construction in Kenya a bad name. In recent years they have been numerous calls to have the construction in Kenya industry regulated in order to be sure that all goes well and thus curb the occurrence of malpractices in the construction Kenya industry. There are many options for creating an enabling environment for construction Kenya industry. This would lead to involvement of private contractors and consultants in improved management of roads and other structures assets. Different types of contracts have certain implications for planning and management, risk allocation between the client and the contractors.
