
Teenagers are a handful from the day they become teenagers. Therewith starts the never ending list of the “cool” and the “un cool”. They’re becoming young adults and have this thirst of standing out. Unfortunately for parents this desire for cool culminates their patience at organizing birthday parties for teenagers. This is when they become lost and what they see is this huge list of expenses and their kid’s tantrums over “limo” rides. Well, all is not lost; given the right amount of thinking and creativity birthday parties for teenagers can become the talk of their school without you losing half your bank balance!

The focus these days is on themes. An interesting and never seen before theme has the potential to win many hearts and keep your young one happy and satisfied. A few years ago the focus was on totally girly or boyish themes; think Alice in Wonderland and Transformers based theme respectively. But it’s different now; girls and boys are not segregation lovers anymore, they want everyone to get entertained thus a neutral fun theme is on the cards. One such theme for birthday parties for teenagers is a Masquerade Party; kids dress up any way they want but wear masks to hide their faces. The sense of mystery, dim lighting plus the usual music and dance will kick things up a bit.

Know the famous “Assassins” game? Well, now it’s a famous theme for birthday parties for teenagers. And no, there’s no violence involved of course. The theme is black and silver, guests dress up as spies and before the cake cutting takes place an interesting game, much the likes of tag where opponents “kill” off each other and the last remaining survivor is the ultimate assassin. This is easy to pull off and is lots of fun. Something along the same lines for 13-15 year olds would be a Scavenger Hunt themed party where you can divide all kids into two teams and let them do this road rally where they locate items on the list all across town. These two themes are great for your kid if he/she is the adventurous type.
Tips and comments
If you are looking for unique themes for birthday parties for teenagers then try a Pirate themed party. As per the name, kids dress up as pirates, speak pirate English, complete with “aye” and “arrr”. The setting can be made to look like a boat, complete with “walking the plank” facility, hire a talking parrot and make him wear an eye patch! Other than this get inspired with one of the past decades, the 60’s e.g with the famous disco based music, pumped up hairstyles and shiny glitzy costumes. Or what about a Lady Gaga theme, complete with outrageous outfits; throw in a karaoke competition as well. Also a full on pajama party doubling as a sleepover would be convenient plus fun. So a little creativity can go a long way and with the right ingredients so will your young adult’s special day.
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