The Most Affordable National Hotels
Vacations Hotels

The Most Affordable National Hotels

Published at 02/07/2012 17:28:00


The Most Affordable National Hotels

Finding the best hotel in terms of price can be the highlight of your trip away from home, if you are on a tight budget. There is a host of options available to do just that; spending the time and money you save relaxing and enjoying your time – national hotels. The phenomenon of affordable hotel deals has become quite widespread with time. Daily deals websites have been popping up all over the internet which offer discounts as high as 80% on hotel deals in luxurious hotels. While it’s all good for the group of consumers who want to avail a cheap weekend getaway deal, frequent commuters, travelers and tourists short on cash find themselves facing the mounting challenge of finding affordable accommodation. To cater to the potential of this market segment, affordable national hotels have sprung up and spread like wildfire. As a result, commuters, travelers and the like can now afford hotel stays, enjoy the sights, and go on about their jobs – without them having to stretch their budgets.


People have travelled far and wide for food, trade, education or plain recreation since the beginning of time, so the concept of the hospitality industry has been around for a long time. The first hotels were nothing more than private homes opened to the public, and most, unfortunately, had bad reputations. It was under the influence of the Roman Empire that hotels began catering to pleasure the guests to boost the number of guests. After the first inn opened in America, a surge of hotels flooded the world with prestigious names such as the Radisso, Holiday Inn and the Marriott. From humble beginnings, the hospitality industry exploded in popularity and from small scale national hotels transformed into expansive and extravagant international establishments.


Affordable national hotels offer clean albeit simple rooms that provide the basics of places to sleep and shower. Usually these hotels are designed for travelers looking to maximize their funds and minimize expenses. Targeting travelers, these hotels focus on providing their services at affordable prices so travelers can get the most out of their funds by minimizing their lodging expenses. Prices can range from $20US per night to $70US per night. Hotels like the Granada and the Monroe in San Francisco are instances.

Tips and comments

The hotel rating system, based on stars, set forth by the American Automobile Association (AAA) in the USA can greatly aid travelers in choosing the right hotel. Also, online booking sites offer first hand reviews which could be look to instead of relying on the ratings system, if the facility is unfamiliar. Associates or frequent travelers can also be contacted for recommendations of affordable national hotels in an area. National hotels are rated on a range on 2.5 – 3 stars on average, and travelers find they get good value for their money. As a result of an immense increase in the number of options for affordable accommodation over the past few years, travelers, commuters and tourists now do not have to fret over having to put up with sub-standard living quarters.


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