
If you are planning a trip to Louisiana, chances are you will need somewhere to sleep. Finding Louisiana hotels is a pretty simple affair as long as you know what amenities you must have. The state has hundreds of hotels available for visitors. Even the smallest cities within the state have several from which you can choose. As with any other hotel search, the available hotels range from the mundane to the extravagant. There are several methods available to find Louisiana hotels, and each one is highly-effective.
Step 1
Ask friends and family for their recommendations regarding good Louisiana hotels. Any person that has spent time in Louisiana hotels can offer you advice on finding a good place to sleep. The person can give you a first-hand account that may be a bit more trustworthy than any review you can find on a web site. Remember to ask your friend or family member about the accommodations, staff and other amenities that are important to you and your family. If the friend is a member of a reward club, they may receive a discount on future visits to the hotel for recommending you, so also obtain any information you need to ensure your friend gets a discount.
Step 2
Visit websites that specialize in travel. Websites such as and provide customer reviews on Louisiana hotels. You do not need to register to review the comments made by other guests. Most websites, including the aforementioned, offer the ability to limit your search results for Louisiana hotels to only those which meet certain criteria. For instance, if you are looking for a hotel with a spa or fitness gym, be sure to narrow your search results to only show those which includes that particular amenity.
Step 3
Search a phone book from the area in Louisiana in which you plan to travel. The "Hotels" section of a phone book will give you listing of all hotels in the area. Although the listing may not contain anymore information outside of the hotel's phone number and address, you can contact a representative at the number provided to find out more about it. Before contacting any of the Louisiana hotels, make a checklist of amenities that you are looking for. This will ensure you do not forget what is most important and also help you to get through the call in an efficient manner.
Step 4
Contact a travel agent. Travel agencies specialize in knowing how to book the best accommodations for their customers. Many agents will provide you with information on Louisiana hotels without the need to book a reservation through them. If you do decide to book a reservation with the agency, you may receive a deal on other aspects of your travel including airfare and car rentals. Before calling, ensure you know the location to which you are traveling and which amenities are needed for your family.
Step 5
Drive around the area in which you are traveling to find a hotel. Although most travelers like to have their hotel room booked before traveling, it is not always feasible. If you find yourself in Louisiana without a hotel, simply driving around the area can help you find a vacant room. Be sure to pay attention to the neighborhood in which you are located.
Search for a good hotel well before your trip. Waiting until the last minute to find a hotel could lead to you staying somewhere that has a less than desirable environment.
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