Sports Football

How To Play Table Football

Published at 03/01/2012 16:01:40


Table football is a table top sport that also referred to as babyfoot or foosball. This game had its existence a long time ago. This was back in the 1890s but was invented in 1921 in the UK. Most football enthusiasts love table football as it can be played at home. This looks the same as real football and follows several techniques. Playing the game entails some procedure that follows these steps.

Step 1

The game starts by the ball being served in the field. This is achieved through a hole located on the side of the table. The ball can also be placed on the center of the table by use of hand. Just like football, the serving side is determined by tossing a coin. This is done by the referee. Table football involves figures mounted on rotating bars.

Step 2

Before the serving side starts the game, they have to ensure that the opponents are ready. The table football midfield is located in the fifth bar. Two players from the bar are the ones who start the game then pass the ball forward. It is also good for one to know the game’s time limits that are assigned for various bars. The fifth bar for instance requires one to get a time limit of 10 seconds while the third bar requires 15 seconds. The goalie and second bars are termed as a single bar and each don’t get time limits.

Step 3

For these time limits, one should therefore start their time. Table football time limits starts soon the ball seems to be on a distance close to touching the bars. For distractions, time outs are then allowed. These might be in either cases of nearby smoking or people are noted pushing past.

Step 4

While still playing the game, one is supposed to know the rules that apply. Table football, just like the normal football has some rules as well. These include the various ways of cheating in a game. Hitting the ball over the table is not allowed in the game. One is also not supposed to hit the side rails or the ends of the serving hole. The end of the cabinet also has its relevant rules.

Step 5

Other rules also apply in playing table football. 360 degree shorts and the way one spins are some of the rules considered. Players should use their palms to spin the bar round in order to kick the ball using the figures mounted on bars. 360 degree shorts either before or after kicking the ball are not allowed. There are other rules for the game that differ from place to place and are also standardized.


When playing table football, one should make sure they follow the dress code. Both teams have distinct dress codes. This is what brings out the difference between players enhancing monitoring and safe play. To make the game more lively, it is advised that players check on their clothing as well. Just like football players, one should consider wearing clothing like warm up jackets, athletic shirts, shorts and shoes. Finally, the table football winner is determined by the number of scores they make against their opponents.
