The Desperate Housewives TV show is an American comedy-drama series. Set in the fictional town of Fairview on a street called Wisteria Lane, the show follows the lives of a group of women who live in a beautiful, seemingly peaceful suburban area. They have daily struggles, some dark secrets, and even some crimes to hide. It is narrated by their dead neighbor, who appears only in flashbacks. The show is critically acclaimed and much loved by the public. It has won several Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Awards.
The Desperate Housewives TV show came very close to not being called that at all. It was originally going to be titled "The Secrets of Wisteria Lane" or "The Secret Lives of Housewives." The creator of the show is Marc Cherry, and he first conceived of the idea of the Desperate Housewives TV show when his mother told him about how she sometimes felt 'desperate' when she had to raise him and his siblings in the absence of their father.
The character of Bree Vann de Kamp is a major one on the Desperate Housewives TV show. It is loosely based on Marc Cherry's mother. Teri Hatcher, who plays Susan Mayer on the Desperate Housewives TV show, is the first person ever who has won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series, for a television show that had not even completed its first season.
Nicollette Sheridan who plays the role of Edie Britt, had originally auditioned for the role of Bree. However, she was told that the role of Britt suited her character better. Courtney Cox, who played Monica on "Friends," was offered the role of Susan Mayer on the Desperate Housewives TV show. However, she could not join the cast as she was pregnant at the time.
A loyal fan of the Desperate Housewives TV show wrote to the producers telling them that she loved the dress Gabrielle wore in the pilot. She wanted to know the name of the designer and whether he could design her the same dress for her prom night. Instead of giving her the name of the designer, the producers surprised her by gifting her the actual gown Gabrielle wore. She wore this same gown to her prom.
Each episode of Desperate Housewives is shot three days on location and five days on the Universal Studio grounds. It takes about eight days to complete each of them.
Tips and comments
Oprah Winfrey loves the Desperate Housewives TV show so much that she was even invited to the set to have an exclusive show. Here Oprah showcased in a 15 minute episode. In this episode, Oprah played herself as the new neighbor who came to know all the secrets of the housewives.
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