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How To Save Money on Groceries With Home Freezers

Published at 02/15/2012 00:42:00


Many households are looking to cutback on grocery expenses, and home freezers are an integral part of this effort. Although food is a basic necessity of life, some staple foods are traded as commodities, similar to trading crude oil that is used in the refinement of gasoline for automobiles or gold that is used in the making of jewelry as well as a key component in electronics.

The prices that consumers see at the grocery store fluctuate based on economics and other financial market factors. For example, entire countries and regions around the world may focus their entire economy and gross domestic product on farming and cultivating foods, such as rice, soy, beef or poultry. If there is an increased demand for these commodities, but the supply remains the same or goes down, that drives up the price worldwide. In some cases, environmental and climatic factors, such as a prolonged drought or a once in a lifetime flood will can significantly cut  food output from those affected areas.

Consumers combat these price fluctuations by stocking up on foods, especially when items are cheap or on sale at the local grocery store. To prevent perishables from going bad, households and place those items in home freezers. This technique helps save money, especially when there are price spikes.



Step 1

Refer to the user's manual that accompanies most home freezers. Appliance manufacturers perform rigorous testing on their products before releasing them for sale to consumers. In the case of  home freezers, engineers know that households purchases these very specific appliances for the long term preservation of food. As you begin a system of store food in home freezers, refer to this manual for the best instructions.

Step 2

Obtain a vacuum sealer or food preserver. Although home freezers generally have an airtight seal after users close the lid or the door, that does not mean food that is haphazardly stored in regular zip lock bags has an airtight seal. Invest in a counter top or professional grade vacuum seal that removes air from the plastic bag.

Step 3

Date each item that gets stored in home freezers. Use bags and other types of packaging that supports writing directly on the plastic bag. Also, obtain a non-permanent marker for plastic bowls and containers.

Step 4

Use a technique that is used in accounting called First In First Out, or FIFO. This relies on the dates that you write on the plastic bags. As you buy new groceries and place them in home freezers, move older items to the front so that they don't spend too long in the freezer.

Step 5

Buy foods that last a long in home freezers. You may end up losing money on groceries if the food suffers freezer burn or spoils.


Sources and Citations

  1. "10 Ways to Save Money on Food Shopping." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  2. "Article - Saving-money-freezer | Hhgregg." Appliances & Electronics | Hhgregg. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  3. "Freezer - Recommended Storage Times." GE Appliances - Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerator, Dishwasher. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  4. "Home Freezing and Food Preservation Ideas: Fruits and Veggies." WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  5. "Preventing Freezer Burn." Find Answers. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  6. "Redirect to New Homepage." Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  7. Sofferet, Anni. "Imaginative Ways to Save Money on Groceries." Yahoo! Voices - Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  8. "Tool Redirect to New Homepage." SNAP-Ed Connection. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
  9. "Using Freezer Cooking As A Way To Reduce Your Grocery Budget |" How To Save Money In Canada - A Free Money Saving Guide For Canadians. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
