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How To Live Without a Home

Published at 04/03/2012 00:52:22


There could come a time in anyone’s life that they may have to survive without a home. No, this is not something anyone wants or will plan on happening. However, it is a fact that unemployment is high. It is a fact that economy is bad. People are in debt. Many people have mortgages on their homes. Many other people are living in rental apartments and homes. This means that it can become easy for a person to live without a home. If this happens, it makes it handier if they had some backup plans in their minds, first.

Step 1

The first thing a person without a home should do is ask to see if they can stay with a close friend or relative. They don’t want to be too proud to ask for help. People, who care about you, may be the first people who will help.

Step 2

If your family can or won’t help you, you need to consider other options. Do you know a church that helps people find homes? Do you know an organization that will help people who are without with a home? Again, do not be too proud to ask these organizations for help.

Step 3

If no organizations will help you, consider your last options for shelter, while you are living without a home. This can include living in your car or living in a tent. The key to both of these locations is to find a place to park your car or pitch your tent that safe and out of the way. You don’t want to call attention to yourself. You can risk the chance of being arrested, robbed or worse.

Step 4

Living without a home also means that you will live without a shortage of material objects. However, there are some things you will still need. These things will have to be placed in something that you can carry around easily or push around easily. A wagon or a cart may be the perfect option, unless you have a car to store them. The items that you will need includes: garbage bags, blankets, something soft to sleep on such as a throw, pillows, towels, wash cloths, canned food, water, water bottles, and important documents such as birth certificates.

Step 5

Before you leave your home and begin living without a home, sell everything that you own that has value. This includes items such as televisions, computers, everything that is electric, clothes that you can’t carry with you, family heirlooms, etc. You will need this money to survive.

Step 6

Living without a home, doesn’t mean you will permanently stay this way. You will want to try to find a job and you will want to find help. You may even want to try to apply for public assistance. To do any of this, you must have a known residence. This means you must get a post office box.


Do not be too proud to ask for help from your friends and family because you are living without a home. The people who love you are the first people who may help you.

Get a post office. This will give you an address to put down on job form or public assistance forms, while you are living without a home.

Sources and Citations
