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How To Make a Great Home Fort For Your Children

Published at 02/21/2012 05:39:28


The rain is bucketing down and the wind is savagely howling, what fun activity can possibly be done when weather like this keeps you inside your house. Building a home fort inside for your kids, is a sure way of keeping them amused whilst spending some much appreciated quality time with them. In this article we will supply step by step instructions on how to construct an inside home fort, that will be a hit with children and adults alike.

Step 1

Gather all the materials you will be needing, these could include but are not limited to: pillows, blankets, sheets, chairs, tables, sofa, flashlight, safety pins, and pegs. Use any item found inside the house to make the fort cool and interesting.

Step 2

Find a suitable place to construct your home fort. An ideal place would have a suitable amount of room to construct a decent sized home fort. A place that is not the busiest place of the home would also be an ideal feature, this way the fort is more likely to stay up longer.

Step 3

Place some chairs, a table and sofas/seats in strategically ideal places. This is the skeleton of your home fort; make it as big or small as you wish. To make a larger one have more pieces of furniture in use, bigger pieces of furniture also could increase the size of your fort.

Step 4

Drape blankets or sheets over the furniture to effectively make your home fort. Sheets are lighter and dense then blankets so they will stay in place easier. Secure the sheets and/or blankets with pegs or clothes pins to ensure that they will not fall down.

Step 5

Scatter the floor of your home fort with objects of comfort. Lay down a plush blanket and throw some pillows around, ensuring that you can spend extended amounts of time in the fort with your kids without being uncomfortable. Now that you have taken care of your comfort needs the next requirement to fulfill pertains to entertainment. Bring various board games into the home fort, this will ensure for a fun family task to carry out in your home paradise, or you could bring in a portable DVD player and snuggle up with a film. The last requirement that needs to be taken into consideration is food. Bring in cool drinks and convenient snack food; this will keep your appetite and thirst sated without having to leave the home fort.

Step 6

Make a door so that it is easy and convenient to enter and exit your home fort. This can be achieved by pinning back a piece of fabric with a clothes pin.


  1. You could make a home fort out of old cardboard boxes.
  2. Forts are a great idea if your kids are having friends over, it’s sure to amuse all. If there is a sleepover involved then the home fort can act as a medium of fun and a practical place to sleep.
  3. Place heavy objects on the bottom of the sheets and blankets to prevent them from slipping or being pulled down.
  4. If your kids are using it for a sleep over be sure to supply them with a torch or battery powered lantern, this way they can have light and maybe even tell spooky scary tales amongst themselves.
  5. If it is a hot summer day be sure to put a small portable fan in the fort or make sure there is a stream of consist fresh air.

Sources and Citations
