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Home You Bought

Published at 02/20/2012 03:31:42

Congratulations on purchasing a home! A lot of hard work and sacrifice probably went into the home you bought, and it's a great feeling! If you've been renting and this is the first home you've bought, you are now in charge of paying for all of those repairs your landlord has had to take care of. No need to worry! If you're feeling overwhelmed with the new home you bought, just follow our tips below and you'll be an expert in no time!

Step 1

Plan for expenses! Especially if you have been renting, and this is the first home you have bought, you'll want to start planning for expenses your landlord has been paying. Leak in the roof? You will be paying for that. Pipe burst? You will be paying for that too! If you budget for problems before they happen, you will be much more capable of taking care of them in the new home you have bought. When calculating your monthly budget, add in some saving every month for home repairs; even if you don't need it that month, it will add up. Buying a home is a big purchase, budget for problems so they don't become a burden.

Step 2

Cosmetic problems in the home you bought can wait until you're ready! While that ugly 70's shag rug may be hideous, and that old flower wallpaper can be dizzying, don't go over board with cosmetic repairs if you can't afford it. If you are on a limited budget, make a list of things you want to change in the home you bought, in order of importance to you. Save up for the first item on your list, and only do it when you have the money. Over time, you can save up, and move on to the rest of the items on your list. 

Step 3

Call a locksmith to change all the outside locks! Even if the last owner was there for 60 years, you never know who may have a key to your new home. To keep yourself, and your belongings save in the new home you bought, you'll want to change all of the locks. If you are a handy person, you can change the locks yourself, there are kits at any home improvement store to change the locks in the home you bought. If not, call a locksmith. It's a small prices to pay for another level of security for the new home you are living in.

Step 4

Get to know your new area! If you are moving into an area you're unfamiliar with, you'll want to know where a few important landmarks are. Especially the post office, the police department, and the nearest emergency room to the home you bought. Also, find out where your nearest 24 hour pharmacy is. The last thing you want to do when you're sick in the middle of the night, is have to figure out where to go. The more familliar you are, the faster you'll feel a part of your new community in the new home you live in.

Tips Recap

  • Plan for expenses! Your landlord doesn't have to pay for repairs anymore, you do!
  • Budget and save up for cosmetic repairs! Don't go overboard too soon!
  • Change the locks! You don't know who all has keys to your new home.
  • Get to know your area! Find places you need, before you actually need them!

Sources and Citations
