
Once upon a time, people used to walk around with books in their hands, probably because being a geek was cool back then, or maybe because people genuinely wanted to increase their knowledge and everyone back then had similar dreams and ambitions such as changing the world, or making a difference, or any of that stuff that we now think to be lame. These days the people that we call cool are the ones that walk with a huge set of headphones resting on their head, connected to a Mp3 digital player, with their pants dropping so low that you get to see so much more than you ever wanted to. People have an increased onterest in music now, and he or she that does portray such an interest, is thought to be the odd one out. None of this is in any form validated because you do not have to be doing whatever everyone else is doing just so you could be accepted in the society. Wearing headphones and showing a great part of your not so lovelies is in no way attractive, and while Mp3 digital players are a great invention, there is still no need to dress like a rebel and show to the world that you are weird.

The Mp3 digital player was invented in 1997 by a great engineer studying at the University of Zagreb known by the name of Tomislav Uzelac. Tomislav was, back then, studying electrical engineering and computing at the university. The Mp3 player is a great example of the integration of electrical and computing knowledge to form a device that offers great memory and outputs an audio signal that we call music. Of the most appreciation, in terms of development of the Mp3 player is its size and increased portability. The first Mp3 players to make it to the market were large and seriously unattractive, but the ones available these days are extremely small, very slim, and very tempting. Not to forget that they are also offering a range of memory sizes; the lowest starting from as much as 2GB.

The best Mp3 digital players are the ones that last long and do not produce errors or technical failures over time. The bad ones wear out pretty soon and are not the ones that you should put your money in. Companies such as Sony, Samsung and LG are the ones producing the top quality Mp3 players. The iPod is also a type of Mp3 player and also one that has trended a lot over the last few years. It is very affordable, offers great memory, and is the best type of Mp3 player available in the market. Some Mp3 players also come with a built in radio and can be used in conjunction with a headset.
Tips and Comments
Like all other devices, it is expected that the Mp3 digital player will undergo several further developments over time. The only question is what these developments will be like. It is almost impossible to imagine what the future holds and whether or not the change will be one that will be admired by everyone. Let us all hope for the best.