Music Lyrics

No Lyrics Coming To Mind

Published at 02/14/2012 16:16:16


Writer's block is something that many writers, musicians, lyricists, journalists, and other people who rely on the written word for their livelihood often encounter. It can be extremely frustrating, particularly when you really need to come up with something to write, and you never know when the writer's block will go away. Musicians face this terrible feeling often when they can come up with no lyrics to put down on paper. To have no lyrics to come up with will often slow down the entire musical writing and recording process, which in turn would frustrate and disappoint other members of the band or musical group. 


When no lyrics come to mind, you never know quite what to do. Don't worry, however. This is something that many musicians and lyricists have struggled with since the beginning of music with lyrics as we know it. The important thing to remember and keep in mind when there are no lyrics coming to mind is to not give up. Eventually you will get over this writer's block. While there may be no lyrics coming to mind now, this will not last forever and you will eventually know exactly what you want to say. 


When no lyrics come to mind, one of the best things that you can do as an aspring musician or lyricist is to just write freely. Shut down your mind and write freely whatever pops into your head, no matter how strange, funny, or disturbing it might be. Free writing is a tactic that many musicians, writers, and lyricists have used over the years to help them overcome writer's block, particularly when no lyrics come to mind in their heads. 

Another tactic you can do when no lyrics come to mind right away is to always carry a notebook around with you. This will allow you to write things down anytime any ideas come to your mind at any particular time. While right now there may be no lyrics in your head, you never know when you might have an idea that could turn into your next hit song. If you don't carry a notebook around and can remember no lyrics if you let the time pass before writing these ideas down, you may have no lyrics to come up with later when you finally sit down to write down what you try to remember from before. 

Tips and Comments

You can also always collaborate with your fellow musicians, lyricists, band mates, and anyone else that you may enjoy working with when you can come up with no lyrics to write. Above all, always try to have fun with it. If you let the writer's block bog you down too much and frustrate you, it will actually make things worse and you will continue writing no lyrics at that rate. Just have fun, keep things simple, and follow the time tested techniques to help you overcome writer's block when it comes to writing lyrics for the songs that you and your aspiring musical group love to write, practice and perform. 
