Music Lyrics

Best Lyrics Heart Theme

Published at 03/14/2012 16:35:44


Music is the one of the oldest forms of art. It had a very big evolution throughout time from tribal songs to classical music and towards modern music. But the music’s purpose remains the same: expressing your feelings. Nowadays people listen to music more than ever, about 75% of the global population listens to music and 95% of them state that they listen to it every day. As the years have passed so has the music’s message changed, but one of the oldest message is love. Love is best expressed through music notes and lyrics. And because it is stated that heart is the “organ of love” appeared lyrics heart themed. In the following lines I will try to present three types of the best lyrics heart themed in my opinion.

“My heart will go on” interpreted by Celine Dion is one of the best heart lyrics songs

This soundtrack was first used as the main love theme of the movie Titanic from 1997. It contains heart lyrics through the song and has a very powerful message to the audience, that love can break any barrier. In this song the heart is characterized by love and as the author states “my heart will go on”, meaning that her love will break any obstacle that it may meet in her path. This approach is a very positive one over the matter, emphasizing the peaceful and serene aspect of love.

Hearth as the source of pain

Many songs are inspired by the same theme and contain Heart lyrics, but this time they put an accent on the pain that is generated by the heart. Mostly hurt in love, the lyrics’ composers use the symbol of heart as pain shelter (misguided or unshared love, broken hearts or people full of sorrow). Close to this subject is the song “You give love a bad name” interpreted by Jon Bon Jovi, where he describes how a woman broke his heart and all that he feels is pain with some deep heart lyrics. This approach is one a little bit more negative over the matter, showing a so called darker side of love, one that emphasizes the pain that it may generate and fuel for the soul storm.

A general view over the songs with heart lyrics

From my experience and musical culture I can say that love and the heart viewed as the love source is the most controversial subject of our days. The opinions are split in half: some see love as a good thing, a bringer of peace and happiness; meanwhile others see it only as a reason for pain, for hate and for sorrow. This is a topic of great interest and it can be developed indefinitely, but also we cannot comment it too much because it represents a feeling, something subjective, in other words a domain over which every single person is entitled to have a different opinion, an opinion that others must respect.

In conclusion lyrics heart themed songs will continue to emerge, touching both sides of love (pain and peace).

