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What Job Is Right For You?

Published at 04/01/2012 16:11:59


When it comes to picking what job is right for you, you need to consider your educational past, your personality, your interests and your passions. You also need to consider the jobs you're looking at and all the pertinent information involving them. For example, the salary, the benefits and the hours are very important when deciding between jobs.

Finding Meaningful Work

When deciding what job is right for you, think about what drives you, what your passions are. You don't want to work a job that does not make you feel fulfilled at the end of the day. You're never too old to start on a new career path, the fact that you're older in age may mean more job possibilities for you.

In order to find out what job is right for you, try doing these following things:

Career tests: There are several different career tests available online that can help you determine what job is right for you. The most popular career test available is the RIASEC/Holland interest scale test. Universities like Harvard use the RIASEC.

Research: You always will want to research all different types of jobs, just to get a feel for that particular industry. If you're aware of any jobs that may be something you're interested in doing, you may even want to speak to someone who already does that particular job for a living.

In The Mean Time

The process of looking for a new job or figuring out what job is right for you, can be a hard and time consuming process. You may want to consider developing your skills and experience while you're figuring things out. You can take classes at your local college, take classes online, read up on different jobs, volunteer or work as an intern and even check out your local library for some classes. Local libraries normally over inexpensive training classes for the local community, ranging from things like computers, basic accounting and even business for beginners.

More To Consider

When finding what job is right for you, you also want to really consider your overall personality. For example, a person who is patient, kind, meek and a great listener may be a great teacher whereas a person who is disciplined, stern and serious may be a great prison guard. Finding a job that is right for you is difficult as is, but trying to find jobs that do not suite your personality will make it more difficult.

Once you find a job you're interested in, consider:

  • Will you be challenged from day to day?
  • Is the compensation package worth while?
  • Is there room for advancement?
  • Will you be happy/ enjoy the daily tasks and responsibility?
  • Do you have the necessary skills to accept the job offer?
  • Do you have the personality for it?

When seeking what job is right for you, it's very important to ask those above questions to yourself. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your happiness on the job and the chance to utilize your skills and that you feel challenged and fulfilled at the end of the day.


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