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All About Technology in Jobs

Published at 03/15/2012 03:33:39


In today’s world, technological jobs form the cream of the job industry. These jobs reflect a rapidly advancing world that is growing in a very modern way. Technology in jobs is the most desired and appreciated profession in today’s world. All the computers and robotics have made this world a technological hub, and the only people who are offered jobs with a reasonable salary are those who are adept at the use of technology and are knowledgeable about its functions. Information technology (IT) has become an integral part of our daily life in the modern times. Technology now has taken over the world and our lives as well.


Gone are the days when people used to pile up stacks of paper on their tables and have loads of ink bottles and pens lined up in the corner of their office desks. The use of paper has almost been eradicated from the offices and their functions have been taken up by the computer and its counterparts. As offices are made up of the technological devices, the people who work in these offices are expected to be able to use these technological devices and get work done out of them. Therefore, the reason why more experienced and highly literate (the cream) individuals are required to fill in most jobs these days is the technology in jobs.


In the previous era, managers used to keep track of handmade tables and reports to keep a company running. They used to collect all the data manually, compile it into tabular form, run all sorts of manual regressions on it, derive the results and compile them in the form of repots. Getting a report ready could take at least a month. Today, all the data is available online and can be filled into tables and interpreted using the computer. An office without a computer today can hardly be called an office. This technology in jobs has caused a lot of problems for the slightly less literate and technologically challenged class, but at the same time, it has created many opportunities for the more talented people and has made this world a better and easier place to live in. This is to say that technology in jobs has caused a great deal of employment and unemployment at the same time and also almost at the same rate, although more jobs have been taken away than have been created. This is because where 10 people were required in the earlier days to form a report, only one computer and a single person operating it is required to complete the same report in less than one hundredth of the time.

Tips and comments

Technology in jobs is mandatory for the modernizing era. As rapidly as the technology advances, the class of workers and technicians advances with it. Unemployment of the inexperienced may be a problem, but it is one that has to be dealt with by the suffering individuals themselves. If this is not done, it will cause a hindrance in the growth of the word into a more organized and advanced place.
