how to balance school and your evening jobs
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how to balance school and your evening jobs

Published at 01/05/2012 14:25:18


how to balance school and your evening jobs


There is a huge percentage of students who do part time evening jobs in order to earn money. Seventy one percent of students who have left school claim that it was work due to which they had to leave it. Juggling between evening jobs and school is surely a very stressful task for the students. It means there is lack of time to relax and interact with friends which causes irritation and mood swings in a working student.



how to balance school and your evening jobs


There are a lot of reasons why students look out for evening jobs despite studying in school. Even though it gets very crucial for them, they still work. Some students need money to pay their school fees so they can stop being a burden on their parents or perhaps to stand on their own feet, while some need money for the sake of food, travelling expenses and lodging. As they need money, they are left with no choice other than to opt for these part time jobs.



how to balance school and your evening jobs


This article is going to focus on the art of balancing school and evening jobs. Once the art is learned, it is not going to be difficult for a working student to handle both things at the same time. Time management and being organized are two very important factors to be kept in mind. If a working student fails to do both, that will lead him to the pit of stress which is going to exhaust him mentally as well as physically. Create a schedule in which assignments, school hours, deadlines and work hours are marked. Be realistic and know what your priorities are. When you come from work, don't go straight to bed and no matter how tired you are, first finish your home work. Take it as a challenge; motivate yourself to finish your school work before going to bed. To calm your nerves, remember your goals and the reasons that you have for being a working student. In addition, get a job that has flexible hours, so you do not over exert yourself. When you are at school, do not think about work and while you are at work, do not think about school. Make sure you do find some time for personal pleasures a swell, either indulge into swimming or hang out with friends to refresh your mind. Limit your working hours; there is no need to work extra hours or over commit to something that cannot be done or is over ambitious.


Tips and comments


Do not forget that you have a life other than the school and your evening job. Take healthy breaks when you get too stressed out in order to freshen up your mind and enjoy. Remember that hard work is something that defines life but stressful living leads to destruction. Careful planning, patience, determination and devotion are going to help you balance your life. Most importantly, do not delay tasks by slackening. This will disrupt your daily routine and make both, school as well as work a taxing task!



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