Internet Google

All About the Analytics Google

Published at 03/02/2012 19:32:29

Google Analytics

Google offered Analytics Google is an absolutely free service that is used for measuring statistics about the website visitors. Basically, the service caters to online marketers that belong to web analytics industry. Initially the service was developed by Urchin Software Corporation, and at present more there are plenty of popular websites which are using the Google analytics service. Some popular name includes twitter,,, and These websites share rich subscriber base.

This widely used analytical service has an ability to track the visitor from all possible sources including search engines, pay per click networks and e-mail marketing. The Adwords (goggle’s main advertising product also the main source of earning revenue) integrated service allows its users to thoroughly review their online campaigns by accessing the conversion rate (the ratio of visitors which was transformed into desired action created from marketers or advertisers) and the page landing quality. Thus, the marketer can gain an estimate about which ads are working and which are lacking behind. Altogether, the Google analytics service provides substantial data for the optimization purpose.

The way to use Google Analytics

Suppose if you are running a site that is engaged in product selling or bestowing any online service then you can easily subscribe to e-commerce utility offered from Google analytics. The aforementioned subscription will enable you to track the sales activity coupled with performance detail. This all comes in a report generated by Google. The e-commerce report is an assortment of all essentials pertaining to website, like revenue generated from site transaction any other commerce related activities. This helps the subscriber substantially in further flouring his/her business.

So far the analytics goggle service is applicable only to those websites which have a traffic share of 5 million page views per month. The magnificent service also allows recognizing the poor performing pages of your website. The technique applied for such process is called funnel visualization. The service also allows to get the information pertaining to ‘how long the viewer stays on site’ and his/her geographic location as well. At, present user includes up to 50 profiles for the same purpose.

Google Analytics Tracking Code

Analytics goggle is powered by the “page tag”. The tag is referred as Google Analytics Tracking Code, which is commonly abbreviated as GATC. The tag is installed on the every page of the website. It is a java scripting that collects the visitors’ data, further report this data to goggle data collection server. Moreover, Google analytics service is also helpful for the websites which are browsing through the mobiles. The access this service you have to subscribe goggle analytics for mobile packages.

Though, the service is quite effective but there are several discussions going on how the Google Analytics service is helpful in boosting the site performance. During the year 2011-212 a new user interface was launched by the Google Analytics. However, the new interface is devoid of many functions, owing to this, subscribers had rejected this to the hilt. At last the service was withdrawn. Moreover, there is various security concerns also as the data are tracked through the user’s IP address in GA method. The gain information can be used for misleading purposes. To overcome this goggle has announced new privacy policy.

