Internet Email

Best Way To Send An Email

Published at 03/05/2012 18:00:03


Since the technology boom of the 70s and the invention of the internet, communication around the world has become very easy. With just a press of a button you can send an electronically generated mail to hundreds of people. Gone are the days when you actually had to wait around for the mail man to come and bring your mail from relatives living abroad as you can now email send with the help of an internet. Earlier methods of sending email required that the sender and mail both be online at the same time for the receiver to receive the message. However in today’s world, the email systems come equipped with a store and forward model. And it is not even required for both the sender and receiver to be online at the same time as both computers connect very briefly through an online server.


Email send consists basically of three components. These include the envelope, header and body. Header consists of the receiver’s email address and the body includes the message that the sender wants to send. You can include more than one mail address in the “header” section to save time by email sending to various people simultaneously.


Email send is very simple and you can send it in a manner of few steps. Before email send make sure you have a valid email address, the password to which only you know. Now open your email inbox and click on the icon that says compose message, new email or new message. When you click on it a window in the shape of a box will open which will contain different sub boxes. The top most bar will be titled “to”. In this bar you can enter the email address of the receiver to whom you want to email send. The next bar will be titled “CC”. “CC” stands for carbon copy and it actually means that in addition to the original receiver you can send the email to other people as well simultaneously. The next bar is titled “BCC” and after that comes the “subject”. In the subject box you can type the message you want to send. There is not really exactly a word limit which means you can type a pretty long message. You can even send attachments via email. For example if there are any important documents that you need to send you can attach it in your email message and send to anyone, anywhere around the globe. For sending an email you need to click on the icon titled “attachment”, search the desired document and click done. Then click send and voila! You have sent your very own email.

Tips and comments

If you are new to the world of internet you need to be cautious about the material you are email sending to anyone. Do not include highly confidential documents and messages as hacking an email account is very easy. Also if you accidently send it to someone else, they will have access to your important documents and you might get into trouble because of that.
