What are the Domain Extensions for countries
These days, there are probably billions of websites that have been created worldwide and it’s sometimes hard to tell the origin of domain if you are looking for an Internet platform that belongs to a certain country. Therefore, you are going to find this following list very useful, identifying the extensions of domain much easier.
There are a few common extensions that you might know if you use Internet often, such .au for Australia, .at for Austria or .us for the United States. However, did you know that the .ag extensions comes from the abbreviation of Antigua and Barbuda? At the same time, .az represents the country of Azerbaijan an .bs for Bahamas.
As you can see, it’s not always very hard to tell the country that the extension of domain is related to. As long as you make a connection between the letters in the extension and the ones that consist in the name of some countries, you might even be able to make a close assumption to the actual country or even identify it correctly.
Did you know what these Domain Extensions stand for?
There are a few domain extensions that all of us use frequently whenever we surf the Internet. Despite the fact that they are wide known, there are a lot of people who don’t know the reason behind the name of domain that they are browsing through.
For example, .edu is an extension that is regularly used for websites that have an education content such as the ones that promote universities or schools. The .int is another extension of domain that is often used, representing web pages that were designed for international institutions only.
A very easy explanation for the title of domain is the one for .gov and in case you didn’t know what it meant, it stands for the U.S government websites that are present in the Internet world. In addition to this, .mil is the extension name for a domain that has to do with the U.S military.
The .nato extension is very simple because it basically stands for the NATO organization and any websites that have to do with it. On the other hand, the .net extension is used quite often but not many know that these web pages are administrative.
Why is it important to know about these Domain Extensions
Except being informed, knowing where the name of domain comes from will keep you from making mistakes such as trying to register websites that have already been registered. An example consists in .gb, an extension that many people have not known about, but in reality it represents a domain that has been reserved for Great Britain, which means that you can’t use it.
There are also other ones such as .co.uk that you can’t use either, even though they are actually subdomains. Each country has their own subdomains, which means that there is a variety of combinations that you can make when it comes to your domains as well.