The domain of web hosting has spread out more and more since the 90s. The internet first appeared as a small network between a few computers inside the American Department of Defense somewhere around 1965. Since then, the domain of personal computers has evolved significantly and now it covers almost the whole globe. The domains of the internet evolved as well along with the computers and now it covers every country worldwide. The internet is based on websites, sets of related pages containing all sorts of media (text, pictures, images, videos, music). But every website must have a web host.
What does the domain of web hosting covers?
A domain of a web host is basically a company which owns several computers that are connected to the internet at all the times (24/7). These computers are called servers and they are assigned a unique IP address so they can be found by other computers connected to the Internet. The main thing about a server is that it has to be very powerful in order to be able to access several files at the same time and it needs a very big storage space so all the files from all the clients will fit in. The domain of web hosting is in a full growth right now because everyone is using the internet for all sorts of things. For instance, people use the internet to find clothes, cars, making friends, houses for sale and even to find jobs!
How do you use the domain of web hosting?
The domain of web hosting is very simple to use. All you need to do is get your webpage’s files in one place (and I’m talking about all files: graphic files, CSS files, HTML, PHP files), and upload them to the server so they will be stored there. Every time you open a browser, type the webpage’s address and hit the Go button. Your browser will send the request to “get” that web page. If it is successful (the webpage exists) then that webpage will be loaded into your browser (or downloaded into your personal computer).
Is the domain of web servers good or bad?
The domain of web servers has many upsides such as the fact that you do not have to keep your computer up and running all the time so other people could access your page (this is a very good way to save up some money too, because your electrical bill will be cheaper and the decay on your computer’s parts is greatly reduced). Another upside is that your upload speed will not matter too much (so your page is loaded fast when someone wants to access it).
All the web hosting servers are linked to a very fast internet service (they have a big upload speed so the page can be loaded almost immediately). The bad part about web hosting is that if you want better services (more storing space, better downloading and uploading speeds, services simpler to use) you will need to pay more money on the pass (that can be monthly or prepaid for several years). In my opinion, web hosting services will get cheaper and cheaper.