Holidays & Celebrations Bird Hobbies

How To Bird Proof Your Home

Published at 03/09/2012 17:03:26


Birds are beautiful and unique creatures, however, they are also nosy and curious creatures. If you're contemplating adopting a bird or already have one, it is imperative that you bird proof your home. When you bird proof your home, you're ensuring the safety of your pet bird as well as ensuring the safety of your house hold items and family.

Step 1

The first step to bird proof your home is to clip your birds wings. This is not painful to the bird and it actually does more good than harm. This will not prevent him from flying as you'd never want to take away something a bird is naturally known to do. Instead, this will slow down the birds speed so that the bird is easier to catch if need be.

Step 2

The second step to bird proof your home is to make sure your windows and window screens are securely in place. Unfortunately, it happens time and time again, a bird gets access to the outside, by escaping through an open window without a screen or with a poorly installed screen. It is suggested you check your window screens before you let out your bird to roam free in your house.

Step 3

The third step to bird proof your home is to keep your birds cage away from ceiling fans, heat registers and regular fans. Placing a bird cage near any of these things can cause an extreme danger and hazard to your bird. Try to place the bird cage in an area that is neither too cold or too hot.

Step 4

The fourth step to bird proof your home is to hide away all electrical cords. Birds like to chew on things, much like other animals, therefore you need to keep all your electrical cords hidden and away from the bird. Besides burns or electrocution, cords could cause your bird to be choked. All cords like phone cords, computer cords, television cords and appliance cords should be kept in cord concealers.

Step 5

The fifth step to bird proof your home is to keep your bird away from any other pets. Cats, dogs and other household pets should not be kept in the same room with your bird. Other household pets tend to want to chase birds and at times will kill them. Try to keep your bird away from litter boxes as well, as your bird could develop respiratory problems if they inhale the dust scent.

More Tips

Some other common tips to bird proof your home, include:

  • Prevent easy access to water, such as water in your toilet, sink and bathtubs. Birds can drown very easily.
  • Never let your bird out if there is open flame. Keep your bird locked away if you have candles burning or a fire place going.
  • Keep your bird far from smoke. If you smoke cigarettes, you'll never want to expose the smoke to your bird.
  • Keep your bird away from toxic plants and polishes. Birds can get sick from brass, silver and copper.


In order to bird proof your home, you'll need to do a lot of research as birds are rambunctious little creatures and get into practically everything.
