Health Wellness

About Wellness Promotion in the Workplace

Published at 04/06/2012 12:31:17


There are some ways which can be used in the work environment for promotion wellness. The programs when administered and are applied in the job environment, it is easy to improve employee performance as they feel being part of the decision making process. Employers may consider having promotion wellness ways if they want to cut the cost of health in the long term. By doing this the employees will feel part of the company and this increase productivity.


Companies which have big number of employees will be saved a lot of money for health purposes when the start promotion wellness. There is a great possibility of employee retention and morale boosting in the organizations operation.
Sometimes, it may be hard to get enough resources of launching the services but hold onto the small resources and then the promotion wellness initiative will pickup. The ideas which are discussed in this article will let you have hope in making a promotion wellness initiative. The ideas are simple and easy to follow.


First encourage preventive care measures in the company. You can organize for vaccinations to be done at the job place. This will prevent people from absenting themselves from job. Some of the vaccinations you can organize with a view towards achieving promotion wellness is flu vaccinations. All the employees are treated at the work place. Another way of promotion wellness in the work place can be through encouraging taking of exercises. You can allow staff to have exercises at specified times to keep fit. You can secure them a local gym at a discounted price. The low prices will make the employees motivated and work hard.

Tips and comments

Administer health education. This can be done through arrangements of sessions and seminars where people meet and share on different health issues. This is a good way of coming up with a strong promotion wellness initiative within the job environment. The sessions can be arranged during break times or over lunch.

You can consider bringing doctors regularly to do check ups.This clinics will make workers be in the office through out. It is a way of keeping them there. The companies reputation is also changed as staff will access health services from the office. They will know that you care for their needs. This is also a way of cutting on the cost of medical checkups for your company. Once the doctors come. You can organize for a meeting where he will share different health topics. The staff feel appreciated ad cared for.
Another way of coming up with a promotion wellness is by setting some incentives for the employees. This rewards can be done in terms of financial rewards including salary increments. They will see the need of improving the company and boosting its reputation through hard work.

You can consider also giving your employees healthy snacks to increase their interest in their jobs. If they are well cared for, the business must experience boom. Offer drinks to the employees and take them out for team building sessions.
promotion wellness should also focus on controlling stress levels for your staff. Do not overburden your staff with lots of stress. Handle the business professionally and discuss between them on the best way to get on. This makes the employees feel great.

