
Every person wants to look young forever. Nobody like wrinkles and saggy skin which is extremely unsightly not to mention unhealthy as well. The recent information portrayed by media has reincarnated the perception that saggy skin is ugly, and old skin doesn’t emanate grace. Therefore, people fight with the system to nature to establish forever young skin and faces. This trend has led to increase preference of facelift surgery by not only females, but males as well. This leads to a psychological perception of fitting in the society much better.
Surgery facelift is technically known as rhytidectomy, a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as sagging, creases, loss of muscle and loose skin. These signs may appear near the eyelids, forehead, eyebrows and most significantly cheeks too. People need to keep in mind that surgery facelift does not change natural features and neither does it stop further aging, it just corrects already done damage. This rejuvenation procedure is usually carried out in conjunction with brow lifts, to fix sagging skin under the brow. And eyelid surgery, to enhance the natural eyelid, reducing the appearance of deep and fine wrinkles. Surgery facelift is a good option for only those who are physically healthy, don’t smoke and have a clear understanding of what they want from the procedure. Those who are obsessed with surgical procedures should seek medical help and refrain from this kind of surgery, as it can deal serious blows to health and appearance.
Since, surgery facelift procedure involves going under the knife and cutting open various parts of the face to stitch them up in tight patters, the healing time is considerably long. After the completion of the procedure a bandage can be placed gently, around the face to minimize swelling, risks of infection and for comfort as well. These bandages if taken care of are removed within three weeks of the procedure. Then again, this depends on the doctor in consideration. In some extreme cases, a thin tube is connected to the bandage to collect any excess fluid or blood that might seep of the face due to the healing cuts. The same doctor needs to be visited after surgery facelift every few days or so, to check up on the healing process and replace the bandages as well. Recovery periods differ depending on the extensiveness of the surgery and ageing. Therefore, every patient is supposed to ask their doctor in detail about taking care of oneself post-surgery and healing time plus requirements. Usually the doctor writes a prescription for certain ointments and medications, if these are taken religiously, then the healing time is reduced greatly.
Tips and comments
Surgery facelift is associated with the most crucial part of one’s being, the face. It is the sole representation of beauty and when its covered up with bandages, one finds it impossible to view the finer things in life. Sometimes, recovery can be painful as stitches can itch and hurt during the process of healing. Minimal contact of face with the hands should be ensured. Besides this the doctor prescribed pain killers and antibiotics should be consumed, to avoid risks of infection and deterioration if the face.