Health Surgery

What Are the Risks Of Knee Replacement Surgery?

Published at 02/20/2012 16:41:16


Knee replacement surgery is a medical procedure that involves replacing the injured or worn knee with prosthetics. This surgical operation is also highly recommended for individuals that have lost large amounts of cartilage in their knees. Some individuals would undergo such procedure to treat the pain triggered by arthritis.


Individuals that are having problems with leg mobility in their daily lives would consider knee replacement surgery. This surgical procedure can alleviate the pain in the patient’s affected joints. However, such surgical procedures are relatively known to be invasive and can pose risks to the health of the patients. Complications can occur after the events of such medical procedure. Some of the issues can be treated easily, while there are others that can pose serious health complications to the patients.

Risks and Complications

There are potential complications that can be brought about by knee replacement surgery. It is highly recommended to identify these risks before pursuing such medical procedure. Here are some of the risks and complications that can be generated by such medical procedure.


Potential Issues of General Anesthesia

According to recent studies, there are numerous risks associated with general anesthesia. The chances of complications are low, but the possibility of developing these complications should not be ruled out. There are rare risks involved with general anesthesia such as mental confusion and lung infections. Patients with diabetes and heart ailments have higher risks of acquiring the complications and issues caused by general anesthesia.


Blood Clotting

Blood clots are major risks in any kind of surgery, including knee replacement surgery. In this case, blood clots would from in the veins and surround the affected knee. These complications must be treated promptly since they can be very fatal and hazardous. Blood thinning medications are the best solutions in terms of preventing blood clots.


Allergy from the Implants

Patients considering knee replacement surgery should take several tests and consultations from health specialists before pursuing it. There are some individuals that are allergic to metal implants. You should also take into consideration if you are allergic to metals before pursuing such surgery.


Unstable Joints

Unstable joints caused by knee replacement surgery are very rare. According to studies, only one to five percent of the total number of such surgical operation has led to this complication. The complications can be prevented by practicing the appropriate procedures during the surgery. These cases usually involve a knee cap becoming unstable that would lead to dislocation.


Nerve Damage

Improper cutting and operation can damage the nerve that moves the foot and runs over the knee. Fortunately, this condition can heal itself after approximately six months.


Bleeding and Infection

Like any other surgical procedures, bleeding and infection can occur during or after the knee replacement surgery. The medical staff must practice all the safety precautions and proper procedures to reduce of infections that can be sustained through open wounds. Excessive bleeding can also occur due to the incisions and cuts made.

Tips and comments

These are the potential complications and risks involve with such medical procedure. Fortunately, technology was able to cope up with the needs of these surgical operations. The emergence of modern medical procedure provides minimal chances for you to incur these complications. However, you should always seek the opinion and ideas of a specialist before pursuing knee replacement surgery.
