When To Have Prostate Surgery
Health Surgery

When To Have Prostate Surgery

Published at 02/22/2012 13:47:13


When To Have Prostate Surgery

Human Body is a gift of God Almighty. The smallest of injuries can cause great pain and make us realize the worth of health. Cancer is one of those diseases which pose a serious threat to human life. One might eventually end up losing one’s life. During cancer there is abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in the human body which may or may not spread to other areas. However, there is respite in cancer if the abnormal tissues are not spreading to other areas, the condition being known as metastasis. In this situation a person may be treated by removing the abnormal mass of cells known as tumor. The disease affects men and women alike. Men are commonly susceptible to prostate cancer which can be treated or removed with the help of a procedure known as surgery prostate. Surgery Prostate is also known as Prostatectomy.


When To Have Prostate Surgery

Prostate gland is part of the male reproductive gland. Studies regarding this disease have revealed that mostly prostate cancers are slow growing, however some of them are also reported to be very advanced. Prostate Cancer is reported to be very painful as it hampers many of the physiological processes. If cancer is suspected, the patient is made to undergo a biopsy test. A biopsy is a typical examination made to confirm any doubts a physician may have regarding cancer. This is the beginning of the treatment. After taking several other tests, the patient is made to undergo surgery prostate. They are many ways to conduct this surgery of prostate gland. One of them is Endoscopic Prostate Surgery where the prostate is removed which leads to a wider urinary passage and the patient gets relief from urinary blockage.


When To Have Prostate Surgery

Another common type of surgery prostate is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia which is a non cancerous condition during which the prostate has merely enlarged. Mostly older men are reported to suffer from this. As we study the anatomy of the prostate we learn that prostate gland located somewhere under the bladder covers around the urethra. This gland’s anatomy is typically referred to as lobes or zones. Surgery prostate is often done to treat a variety of other prostate problems. These problems include the enlargement of the gland which may result in difficulties in performing various functions. When your physician or surgeon refers to a surgery prostate he may remove the lobes of prostate.

Tips and comments

You might as well know that certain risks are involved in prostate surgery. Surgeries may be responsible for producing the best results in many of the conditions, but even so they can be very injurious and have a lot of risk factor in them. One step gone wrong can lead to many dire consequences. So a surgery prostate is no different, apart from posing the standard risks of surgery, the procedure also entails some risks due to the delicate nature of the area of prostate gland. The person undergoing this type of surgery may suffer from erectile dysfunction and other problems such as difficulty in urinating.
