Health Surgery

Benefits To Using a Laser In Surgery

Published at 02/17/2012 03:51:27


Using a laser in surgery is much safer than regular surgery because there are no physical cuts with a scalpel. Instead the surgery is performed using a laser to cut the tissue. Laser stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. With there being several types of lasers used in surgery that include argon, carbon dioxide, Nd: Yag and KTP.

Lasers provide many benefits such reduced risk of infection, surgery that is bloodless, no use of a scalpel, less scarring, precise control in surgery, safe and effective outpatient in same day, and therapeutic results.

The lasers use an intense beam of light just in one area moving along in one direction. The laser makes one wavelength that varies in the pulse duration and intensity. Lasers are used to treat a number of medical conditions.

IPL or intense pulse light has been used to treat hyperpigmentation and blood vessels. Lasers are used for other means besides for skin conditions. They are used in eye surgery, in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, endovascular surgery. They can also be used to control bleeding from bleeding ulcers and esophagial varices.

Lasers are known to have healing properties as well that promotes healing of wounds and to relieve pain.

A laser in surgery can be used for a number of applications for the treatment of the eyes to improve vision or to help reshape a patient's cornea, cosmetic surgery for removing tattoos, spider veins, stretch marks, sun spots, birthmarks and wrinkles, dental procedures for tooth whitening, oral surgery and endodontic/periodontic procedures, as well as in general surgery for removing cataracts, removing tumors, breast surgery, plastic surgery and many other surgical routines.

Using a laser in surgery does not have the same long term effects such as that of x-rays because a laser uses non-ionizing radiation.

Sometimes when a patient is under general anesthesia the use of a laser may be done.

There are some potential risks involved with using a laser in surgery. Some of these include bleeding, not fully treating the problem, infection occurring, pain and scarring, skin color changing.





Tips and comments

Be aware of any possible risks and side effects that could result from a laser. Some patients who have undergone laser surgery for their eyes have endured complications and ended up with persistent painful, dry eyes, halo, double vision, starbursts of light; some even experiencing not being able to see well even with the aid of contacts or glasses, losing their vision that they had prior to the surgery. This is said to have affected one to five percent of the patients who have had the laser surgery.

It is a fairly small risk in comparison to all the successful cases of people who have underwent laser surgery. A good rule of thumb before stepping into a doctor's office for laser surgery is to see their credentials and to make sure they are fully qualified to do the job.

After your surgery, it is crucial to follow all of your doctor's orders to ensure your surgery and recovery are successful.
