Finance Money

How To Find New Money in Your Budget

Published at 03/01/2012 21:40:00


You can always find new money in your budget. It may take time, work, and some major searching, but no matter what, new money can and will be found. Creativity will always help when needing more money. These steps will come in handy for finding new money when you so desperately need it.

Step 1

It's best if you start out by putting a budget together. Figure out how much money you make each week or each month depending on how you get paid or how you do your budget. You will then need to figure out the money that is used for everyday living such as food, gas, electric, car payment, insurance, rent or mortgage, etc. Be sure to consider all of the bills that must get paid every month.

Step 2

To find new money in your budget you can try to cut back on some bills that are not necessities but rather for mere pleasure. Instead of getting a full cable channel package, cut back to the basic cable channels or better yet, get an antenna and just pick up local channels. This will help you find some new money for your budget.

Step 3

If you have already cut back on your cable TV bill then you can always cut back on your cell phone bill. Try a prepaid cell phone service which usually offers more service for less cost and even no contract. You can also try going without a cell phone and just get a basic home phone which usually costs less than $20 a month. This may be hard to do but if push comes to shove and you absolutely need to find new money in your budget, this is an idea to help you get it.

Step 4

Cut back on going out to eat at restaurants. You can easily make new money appear by not going out to eat at restaurants. Whether it be a fancy restaurant or fast food, you can go to the grocery store with that money and buy enough food for more than one meal. Your food will last longer with less amount of money spent. It will also be a healthier choice for both you and your family. The average family will spend at least $50 on one outing for one meal when that money could buy several meals for the whole family.

Step 5

If you really need to find new money then you can always pick up another job or pick up more hours at the job that you already have. This will surely get you new money and help you with your budget. It is your preference. You can either do without the amenities or you can spend more time working. It all depends on your needs, the time you have and what is important to you.


Don't go out to eat.

Cut back on utilities.

Pick up extra hours at work for new money.

Sell things that you have at home that are no longer of use for you and your family.

Find a part time job.

Find a full time job that pays more.

Drive your car less to cut back on gas money.

Sources and Citations
