Teens: How To Earn Money To Save For College
Finance Money

Teens: How To Earn Money To Save For College

Published at 02/19/2012 22:19:41


Teens: How To Earn Money To Save For College

Saving all your money and scraping together all your coins may not seem like much, but over time you can turn all that money into a college degree. If a teen decides that they desire to go to college and want to save all they can to make this a possiblity then there are ways to make this dream a reality. Being able to earn money to go to college is a big first step on this road to earning a college degree and patience and will power can make this a reality.

Step 1

One way to earn money to go to college is to save all you can while still in high school. The hard part for some teens will be not spending the money on new clothes or gadgets. It is best for you to remember that most of the clothes or gadgets will be out of style or considered old technology by the time you are older. Something such as a college degree will always be valuable no matter what year it is. Try and save all you can and you will thank yourself later when you don't need to take out massive loans to pay for your education.

Step 2

Another way to earn money to go to college is to get a job while still in high school and save a large portion of that for college expenses. We all know it is no fun to work at a job and then put all of the money away without spending a dime. That is why it is best to put away a designated portion of the money into a college fund and then still have fun with the rest. This will keep you from one day looking at all that money in the savings account and having the urge to take it all out and spend it on new clothes or the latest technology. This way you will feel great because you have earn money to spend on yourself.

Step 3

You could also earn money to go to college by starting a small business while still in high school. Businesses such as babysitting or house cleaning are relatively low in cost and can reap large profits. You could do these services after school and on the weekends. This way you will be able to save a larger portion of your earnings for college while still having some to spend on yourself. Make sure you know the laws about starting a business in your town or city so that you don't get into any trouble down the road. Do not be disheartened if the business does not take off immediately because sometimes it just takes time to get your name around as someone who is reliable. You can earn money to by asking friends and family first if you can do some work for them and maybe they will tell their friends about it which will bring in more business.


Do not give up on your dreams of college because money may seem like an issue at the moment. There are many ways earn money to and you can't expect your savings to pay for every bit of your education. This is especially true if you plan to go to a large university which usually costs more more money to go to. These savings will make your burden lighter though and this will mean taking out less loans and less debt after you graduate.
