Finance Insurance

What You Need To Know About Student Insurance Health

Published at 02/24/2012 15:38:07


A few decades ago, studying in the best universities of the world was a dream that many students cherished but never saw fulfilled. However, today, it can be said that the doors of the most prestigious colleges have been opened to accept all those who deserve to be there, no matter where they come from. The only little problem is that though scholarships do allows less privileged students to study at a college of their choice, the students have more expenses to take care of. This is where student insurance health plans come in.

Most students who study abroad have to manage on a tight budget, because of the huge difference in exchange rate – in this scenario, falling ill, or meeting with an unfortunate accident can be worse than it would ever be in the home country, as medical care is so much more expensive in the UK or the USA. If student insurance health plans have been purchased, this becomes much easier. If you plan to study abroad, here are some tips to keep in mind before you buy a student insurance health plan:


Where to buy the insurance plan
Buy a student insurance health plan in your own country – but be sure to check with the university first, because some of them insist on insurance that is bought in their own country. Not only will the process be easier, it will also cost you less. Student insurance health plans are not very expensive anyway: this is because students are young and expected to keep healthy, and companies that sell student insurance health plans keep that in mind.


Choosing a plan
Most student insurance health plans also combine other benefits, such as reimbursement for loss of luggage, theft, etc., so make sure that you find yourself the most comprehensive plan. There are some health insurance plans that will even pay for parents to visit you in case you fall ill. Some others might go a step further and pay for the student's flight ticket back home if any of their family members were to fall seriously ill. Also ask whether the plan will be valid if the student is traveling to other countries.

Student insurance health plans come in many different types – they provide levels of insurance depending upon the amount of premium paid, so do some research and choose a policy which fits well with both your budget and your needs. Keep this in mind!

Tips and comments

Remember, however, that many students face problems during the process of making a claim and recovering the amount the health insurance plan that was promised. Though insurance companies maintain that the process is very easy, the reality seems to be different. The students, unless they give the company advance notice that they are going to be hospitalized, have to arrange for cash for the upfront payment of hospital bills. These bills then have to sent back home to the insurance company to be reimbursed.

It seems that the burden is upon the students to let the company know a few days in advance that they may need to be hospitalized, and only then can the companies arrange for cashless payment with the hospital management.
