One of the easiest ways to save money is by paying for goods using cash back credit cards. This allow consumers to practice responsible spending of their money while at the same time they stand a chance of earning little money when they use their cash back credit cards properly. Most of the cash back credit cards usually offer customers 1 percent of their total purchases. However, there are those cards that may offer more than 1 percent of the total purchases in rebates. In order to make cash back credit cards more profitable, the card holder must always avoid interest charges and late fees by paying all the bills in time.
Some of the best cash back credit cards include chase freedom visa. This is one of the most lucrative cash back credit cards. This allows the holder to earn up to 10 percent of their expenditure when shopping through chase online mall. There is another category of products that would earn an individual 3 percent of their expenditure. However, the goods in this category usually change after every 3 months. The rest of the goods bought would earn the chase freedom visa holder 1 percent. No annual fee is usually charged on this card. Another very lucrative cash back credit card is the blue cash everyday card. This is usually issued to those with good credit score or those with excellent credit scores. This cash usually give 3 percent per dollar that one spends in supermarkets, 2 percent for the money spent in departmental stores and 1 percent. This usually requires no enrolment and it has no fixed charges.
The other cash back credit card is the citi dividend card. This usually earns one 5 percent bonuses on goods bought from citi bonus cash center and another 5 percent of goods from category that usually change after every 3 months. Other goods out of the category will always earn the cash back credit card holder a rebate of 1 percent. Discover more cash back credit card is another card earns an individual a rebate as they shop. This card usually offer o percent intro APR on balance transfers and purchases from 18 months and 6 months. It further gives a rebate of 5 percent on rotating categories that include travel, restaurant and gas. Enrolment in advance is usually required.
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Another unique cash back credit card is the capital one cash rewards credit card. This is unique in the sense that it gives a rebate of 50 percent of all the purchases in a year. No annual fee is normally required and the cash back one earns is always unlimited. Different cash back credit cards usually offer different rebate rates and benefits. Some of these cards will give cash back up to maximum of 5 percent on selected goods. It may therefore be wise if one have more than one cash back credit card so that they may enjoy rebates on different categories of goods. It should however be noted that some cash back earned may always expire after certain duration of time. Some companies may also limit the amount of cash back that one is able to earn within a year.