Finance Credit

Great Advice For Bad Debt Credit

Published at 03/20/2012 13:47:48


What does having bad credit mean? Generally, people with scores of less than 500 are considered to have bad debt credit. It is still possible to have a good score but still have bad credit; this happens if your report has bankruptcies, repossessions, seizures, foreclosures. This are considered red flags in as far as credit reports are concerned.

Step 1

Banks use different credit scoring standards, for instance some lenders consider a score of below 600 to be poor. Whenever you find yourself in a bad debt credit situation, you should explore avenues to help you rebuild your scores. As a starting point, try to focus on a solution and stop obsessing over your negative report.

Step 2

No doubt, the bad debt credit situation can be depressing and most lenders may turn down your application for credit. However, there are still ways to get you to financial freedom. For starters, you should start by leaving within your means. You should also consider credit counseling which will shed more light on your situation. It is very easy to get into debt, in fact missing on a few credit payments will get you there. This emphasizes on the need to bring in financial experts to clean up your financial status.

Step 3

One of the fastest ways to start rebuilding your bad debt credit situation is by applying for a bad debt credit secured card. Since you are considered high risk, you may have to put up with high interest rates for a while. However, if you take the time to shop around you are likely to get a lender who offers favorable rates.

Step 4

Bad debt credit will affect various areas in your life. For instance, getting insurance coverage can be a tall order, and if you do, you will have to pay higher rates than people with above average credit scores. Time is of the essence when it comes to repairing your scores. Indeed, bad debt credit borrowing will not be cheap, but it is the only way to get back in good standing with the credit bureau. Furthermore, it offers a short term solution as you fix your long term financial situation.

Step 5

Credit scores cannot be repaired overnight, but the sooner you start the better. Tough decisions have to be made, and you will have to exercise financial discipline. Having a budget is very essential, set your priorities right and ensure that you honor your credit card payments in time. If you had taken several loans, you will greatly benefit from bad debt credit restructuring companies that can consolidate your loans into one. This will definitely offer you debt relief and buy you some time.


Contrary to common belief, having more credit accounts will not help your credit situation. Financial experts advise people to have 4 credit cards at most. Your active loans should not be more than 6. Always strive to make you card payments in time and this will greatly boost your bad debt credit situation. Ensure that the credit card company is in liaison with the credit bureaus and it submits your credit reports.


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