Finance Credit Cards

How To Live With Credit Cards

Published at 03/01/2012 20:37:00


As a matter of fact the world we are living in today has got predominant importance for money. You can’t live without the help of money. To be able to deal with your money is a very important thing. You should be very careful when it comes to your money spending habits. That doesn’t mean that you have to drastically cut short on your needs for saving money. At the same time, being reckless with money is also not advisable.

Step 1

All you need to do is to be little cautious in the way you are spending your hard earned money or else you won’t be having any to spend at all. In order to deal with money crunch, most people find credit cards as a very resourceful alternative. At the same time there are people who live with 0 credit cards too.

Step 2

At times, having 0 credit cards is found to be really helpful since you don’t have to worry about the huge monthly credit card repayment bills. It’s always better to have 0 credit cards at hand than to have 2 to 3 credit cards and no money to repay the monthly credit bills.

Step 3

Before jumping after attractive offers given by the card companies, it’s advisable to think that having 0 credit cards will be more better and prove to be hassle free. You don’t have to worry about the monthly repayment dates of the credit cards when you are having 0 credit cards. There is a saying which is quite true in this context. Prevention is better than cure.

Step 4

Having 0 credit cards at your hand will be a good thing than having more than one credit card and no money for credit repayment. On the other hand you can certainly live with credit cards provided you are an expert in handling your money very wisely. All you need to do is to ensure your repayments correctly and make sure that your credit limit never gets exceeded.

Step 5

Adding to that you should always make sure that there are no hidden charges associated with the usage of your credit cards. Since this is the area where most people happen to be victims of credit card company’s trap, you should be careful about this matter.


If you are a person who is able to manage your money wisely, then having 0 credit cards will prove to be a better option. You don’t have to worry about the reminders regarding your credit card’s bill payment when due dates are fast approaching. On other side having 0 credit cards will help you lead a tension free life. You can have full control on your expenditures when you are having 0 credit cards and don’t have to worry about any repayment dates or control your expenses thinking that your credit card limit might get exceeded.

Thus you can see that it’s not a question of having credit cards or no credit cards for that matter. It all depends on how wisely and economically you are able to spend your hard earned money.
