Fashion & Style Styling

The Best Style Mission

Published at 03/23/2012 19:53:48


Your very own style mission says volumes about your personality, character and your over all perspective towards the world; this very style mission of yours not only includes the way you dress up but also the manner in which you carry the attire you have on, your body language, the way you speak and more importantly what you speak. It won't be wrong to say that working on a style mission and developing it is one of the most difficult tasks one can undertake because this involves a process of self discovery; you might want to wear a certain type of dress merely because a friend of yours looked ravishing in it or a celebrity that you greatly admire was sporting it or just because that very style is in vogue currently, however it is not necessary that once you are in possession of that piece of clothing and wearing it, you will be totally comfortable and feel in your skin with it. Therefore, one has to work on their style mission and develop their very own and personal style statement in order to make sure when one goes out for shopping they know exactly what to buy in accordance to their preference, color choice and most importantly what would suit their body type. This would, in turn, save you up on a lot of money that is usually spent on clothes and accessories one does not is too fond the moment you come back home.


Granted one cannot change their body but what we can surely do is learn the craft of modifying and evolving our looks and our approaches to the fashion and the trends that are reigning the global scene at any given time. Developing and then sticking to one's style mission religiously enables them to make the wise decisions on which fashion and style to adopt and which to fore go.


The very first factor to examine before trying to define your style mission is to examine and know your personality in and out! Your style, be it in the way you talk, the way you walk, your clothes, it should all reflect your personality in some way or the other because only then will on feel completely comfortable with themselves. If you are an out and out tomboy then subtle colors, dresses and clothes which are somewhat a hassle to maintain and to wear may not be your cup of tea. If your personality is that of a bubbly, vivacious and an outgoing person then you might not be very fond of dull and subtle shades and their combinations and not even prefer classic styles; experimenting with the very latest of trends and may be even being a little fashion forward might be your thing.

Tips and comments

Your style mission should be developed keeping all these factors in mind and should be anything but influenced by another person. And most importantly while working on you very own and authentic style mission, ask yourself this question at every step of this way- am I comfortable in it?
