How To Open a Hair Studio
Fashion & Style Hair

How To Open a Hair Studio

Published at 04/02/2012 18:01:54


How To Open a Hair Studio

Creative hair stylists with a sense of business savvy may expand their reputation and income capacity by starting their own hair studio. Like any small business, the start-up of a hair studio business carries the risk of long hours, hard work and potential failure. On the other hand, the rewards are great. There is the joy of owning your own company and being totally in charge of how things operate. Without having to answer to a boss, you can apply techniques and court the type of customers you have always wanted to work with. You can set your hours based on your own personal needs and those of your customers. And you will be able to let your artistic flair speak for itself as you develop the style your hair studio becomes known for throughout the region.

Step 1

Develop a business plan. While parts of the plan will be similar to other small businesses, areas specific to a hair studio include the specialized equipment your will need. For example, the chairs, mirrors, lighting, and plumbing for hair washing stations need to be addresses carefully. You will also need to calculate how you charge for your hair studio services and how you pay any other hair stylists that you bring into the business. 

Step 2

Search for and secure the lease on a property or space that is suitable for the hair studio. You will need a location that has easy access for your customers. Prepare to pay the deposit, fees and for all renovations that will be necessary to transform the space into your version of a hip, trendy hair studio that has a welcoming atmosphere. Double check the zoning requirement for your city or municipality to ensure that a hair studio business is allowed within the zone where you find the property and if any restrictions apply.

Step 3

Secure all the necessary building permits and business licenses necessary for the legal operation of the hair studio. This will require contact with several levels of government, from the local or city level up to the state level. Once your hair studio has a legal business name established, make sure that you complete new business paperwork with taxing authorities and set up your bank accounts. Make sure that your registrations and certifications with the hair and cosmetology boards and associations are all updated.

Step 4

Plan and execute an aggressive marketing campaign for your hair studio. You may have the greatest looking studio for miles around, but without happy customers who come back repeatedly, your business may stagnate. The good news is that there numerous fun and exciting ways to promote a hair studio. Partner up with radio stations and the newspaper to offer drawing for free haircuts. Get involved in local pageants and beauty-related events, including participation in bridal shows. You may also consider offering current customers a discount when they refer friends to your studio. Word of mouth can be one of the most powerful marketing tools for your hair studio.

Step 5

Throw a remarkable Grand Opening celebration. Delicious food and drinks will help set the tone for a fun event. Invite those individuals who have been supportive as you developed your hair studio business. Also invite prospective customers and important people from the community, including the local Chamber of Commerce members.


Don't forget to invite family members, roommates and others you are close to for the Grand Opening party at your hair studio. Many of them may be willing to have you cut and style their hair for the event so that you can show off your expertise to other guests. 

Sources and Citations

Entrepreneur, Business Idea Center: Hair Salon
